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Reconcile Workspace for TFS 2015 vNext Builds




We used to get notification from the tray of our windows machine for a finished build while using the xaml build definitions, it also had an option to reconcile workspace. The same functionality is not available for the vNext builds.

The BuildNotification App is available with VS 2015, but it seems that the reconcile workspace is not available with the vNext build. Is there some other app that can give a notification and do the reconcile operation?

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Dhruv Patel Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 01:12

Dhruv Patel

2 Answers

We just moved to new builds (vNext) and are missing this feature as well. Currently, we can do this manually via IDE (VS 2015):

  1. Team Explorer -> Builds
  2. Right click on latest build with you changes -> "Reconcile Workspace..."

enter image description here

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Alezis Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 08:12


The BuildNotificationApp is still a part of the VS 2015 and can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\BuildNotificationApp.exe. However, this app only applied to XAML build.

For now, to workaround the missing feature, you can use a free build status tool Catlight . It also shows status of vNext builds in tray area. enter image description here

As for reconcile workspace, there is no this build-in feature for vNext build. However, you can manually use tf reconcile command for your workspace. Such as below screenshot: enter image description here


If you just want a simple app or vs extension to achieve it, there is no these things for now. You may have to customize your own extension to implement it.


I have created a feature request in uservoice:

Reconcile Workspace for vNext Build


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PatrickLu-MSFT Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 08:12
