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Recommended way to use GraphQL in Next.js app

In my apps, I am using following NPM modules to play with Strapi, GraphQL and Next.js:

  • react-apollo
  • next-apollo
  • graphql
  • gql
  • recompose

In the next step, I am creating Apollo config file, example below:

import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
import { withData } from "next-apollo";

const config = {
  link: new HttpLink({
    uri: "http://localhost:1337/graphql",
export default withData(config);

and then inside a class component, I am using a static method getInitialProps() to fetch data from the Strapi via GraphQL query.

Everything is fine but maybe there is another, better way via React hooks or any other?

like image 570
Mario Boss Avatar asked Mar 25 '20 15:03

Mario Boss

People also ask

Does Next js use GraphQL?

They also make and maintain a GraphQL client (Apollo Client) that we can use with React frameworks like Next. js. The Apollo Client is a state management client that allows you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL and you can use it to fetch, cache, and modify application data.

When should you not use GraphQL?

In GraphQL, you can expect more depth than you have specified, which means you have to compromise some of the GraphQL dynamic features. So, if your application doesn't require a specified schema, you should avoid using GraphQL.

1 Answers

I have found one more interestng solution with using apollo-server-micro and lodash

Quick guide:

  1. create Next.js app (example name: next-app) and install required packages

    npm i apollo-server-micro lodash
  2. create required files in you Next.js app (next-app)

    • /next-app/pages/api/graphql/index.js
    • /next-app/pages/api/graphql/resolvers.js
    • /next-app/pages/api/graphql/typeDefs.js
  3. add code to index.js

    import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-micro';
    import resolvers from './resolvers';
    import typeDefs from './TypeDef';
    const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
    export const config = {
        api: {
            bodyParser: false
    export default apolloServer.createHandler({ path: '/api/graphql' });
  4. add code to typeDefs.js

    import { gql } from 'apollo-server-micro';
    const typeDefs = gql`
        type User {
            id: Int!
            name: String!
            age: Int
            active: Boolean!
        type Query {
            getUser(id: Int): User
    export default typeDefs;
  5. add code to resolvers.js

    import lodash from 'lodash/collection';
    const users = [
        { id: 1, name: 'Mario', age: 38, active: true },
        { id: 2, name: 'Luigi', age: 40, active: true},
        { id: 3, name: 'Wario', age: 36, active: false }
    const resolvers = {
        Query: {
            getUser: (_, { id }) => {
                return lodash.find(users, { id });
    export default resolvers;
  6. test your Next.js app (next-app) by running below command and checking graphql URL http://localhost:3000/api/graphql

    npm run dev
like image 130
Mario Boss Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 19:11

Mario Boss