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Recommended setup involving Scitools, NumPy, and SciPy

I have a book called "Scientific Programming with Python (2009)", in which example code makes heavy use of SciTools. I use Python 3.2 64 (thinking about having a parallel install / development environment of 2.7; more on this later), to which SciTools has not yet been ported.

Has Scitools been superceded for many purposes by NumPy/SciPy? Or what? EazyViz? I'm totally okay reading through this book and translating the code into whatever API / module is current with 3.2. I'd kind of rather do that than setup a Python 2.7 system.

What is your recommended setup?

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Wylie Kulik Avatar asked May 24 '12 13:05

Wylie Kulik

People also ask

How are NumPy and SciPy related?

NumPy and SciPy both are very important libraries in Python. They have a wide range of functions and contrasting operations. NumPy is short for Numerical Python while SciPy is an abbreviation of Scientific Python. Both are modules of Python and are used to perform various operations with the data.

Does PyPy work with SciPy?

In general, yes. Recent improvements in PyPy have made the scientific Python stack work with PyPy. Since much of SciPy is implemented as C extension modules, the code may not run any faster (for most cases it's significantly slower still, however, PyPy is actively working on improving this).

Is SciPy written in C?

SciPy wraps highly-optimized implementations written in low-level languages like Fortran, C, and C++.

1 Answers

Scipy/Numpy is the defacto standard for scientific/numerical computing with python. The vast majority of packages are built on top of them (including Scitools). In many ways it looks like Scitools is just a connivence wrapper around Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib.

As far as Python 3 support, Numpy and Scipy are there, but Matplotlib is not yet (although I think it may be supported in the development repo on github):


Personally I've never used Scitools, since I prefer the lower level control of using the other libraries directly. I also stick with Python 2.7 since the complete scientific programming stack hasn't finished its migration to Python 3 yet.

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JoshAdel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 03:09
