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Recommended face detection tools/SDK/etc [closed]

I'm looking for a quick way to detect faces in pictures (stored as JPG or any other popular image format). Code in any popular programming language will do (Python, C#, Java, Matlab, etc.). I'm also willing to implement an algorithm by myself, as long as it is proven to be a good working one.

Alternatively, if there are known freeware (preferably open, but not necessary) tools or SDKs for the problem, I'll try them too.

Finally, Commercial products would be considered as well, if all else fails, so recommend those too.

like image 842
Moshe Avatar asked Nov 06 '08 22:11


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What is the best facial recognition software to use in 2022?

Amazon Rekognition has been well regarded by government agencies and other secure users. Amazon Rekognition software detects, analyzes, and identifies people in images and videos. It can also identify objects, texts, and scenes by tagging them through scalable deep learning technology.

What are tools used in face detection?

Hidden Markov Models are a statistical tool used in face recognition. They have used in conjunction with neural networks. It generated in a neural network that trains pseudo 2D HMM. The input of this 2D HMM process is the output of the ANN, and It provides the algorithm with the proper dimensionality reduction.

What is face recognition SDK?

Our face recognition algorithm implements the most advanced techniques in the field of artificial neural networks and machine learning. It provides uncompromised performances to identify and recognize individuals.

1 Answers

OpenCV is a open source library that has support for face recognition.

like image 107
Pafjo Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
