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Recommendation for Sqlite DB manager application? [closed]



There are quite a few Sqlite GUI applications listed here:


some appear to be incomplete, buggy, not maintained, etc. Do you have any recommendations?

like image 711
P a u l Avatar asked Feb 02 '09 22:02

P a u l

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Why you should not use SQLite?

High write volumes: SQLite allows only one write operation to take place at any given time, which significantly limits its throughput. If your application requires lots of write operations or multiple concurrent writers, SQLite may not be adequate for your needs.

When should a SQL Light database be closed?

Really, you don't have to close database connection. You can save database as a field in Application object. Official documentation doesn't say anything about time of database closing.

What is the best SQLite manager?

If you just want to work with SQLite, DB Browser for SQLite and SQLiteStudio are good choices. Both tools offer similar features for the casual user and do not require any preparation to access your database. The more you want to do, the more I suggest you use SQLiteStudio.

Why do we need to use SQLite for mobile applications?

Below are some more reasons on why should you use SQLite: SQLite uses SQL, so it has all the features of a standard SQL database. Some developers require databases which can scale and provide support for concurrency. SQLite, with its rich feature, can be linked with any application in production.

1 Answers

I use the SQLite manager plugin for Firefox.

It seems pretty stable to me.

like image 127
Fortyrunner Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
