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Recommendation engine using google-prediction-api?

In google's prediction api page, it says we can use it for recommendation of webpages / products...

Can someone please show me how, for example:

I have 500,000 members purchased history

I have 2,000,000 products in 200 different categories

I have user-X just signup, asked him 15 'like' / 'dislike' product questions (user's taste)

Now, i want to suggest/recommend user-X with a list(e.g. 500) of products which he most likely willing to purchase

Thanks a lot

like image 544
Samfriend Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 03:10


1 Answers

If you are not specifically tied to Google API fow whatever reason, explore using Mahout. This is a basic use case for the Mahout Recommendation mining.


like image 93
Hari Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
