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Recommend a jQuery responsive carousel / slider [closed]

I'm searching for a ready jQuery plugin (free or payed), that would allow me to create "responsive carousel" with touch support.

The way it should work is to show current image in middle of a site (defined width and height of image, fixed for all images, image centered vertically, height of carousel/slider doesnt change with browser width), and partly or fully visible next image on right, previous on left. When browser is getting bigger, more and more of those "cut out" images would be seen, if browser is big enought, 3 photos would be seen fully, and next one will be cuted on right and previous on left. Images would look like a filmstrip, with one image in middle, and as much other images visible on left and right, as browser window allows.

This image shows how this carousel should behave in various browser widths... Darkest boxes are photos aligned horizontally, lighter boxes outside of them shows diffrent browser window heights: enter image description here

For those who have problems with visualing what I'm talking about, next screens show how it should look width browser windows width 1920px, 1800px 1600px and 1400px. Those are crops from entire site fullfilling entire width of a browser. enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

like image 759
Marcin Bobowski Avatar asked Apr 23 '13 19:04

Marcin Bobowski

People also ask

Is Slick Slider free?

Fully Responsive & Flexible jQuery Carousel Plugin - slick | Free jQuery Plugins.

How do I add arrows to Carousel?

The icon-prev and icon-next classes creates arrows that points left and right. These are used to slide to the next item in the carousel. If you do not want to use them, you can use glyphicons instead.

What is responsive carousel?

Responsive carousel built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Carousel is a slideshow cycling through different elements such as photos, videos, or text. Many examples and easy tutorials. A slideshow component for cycling through elements—images or slides of text—like a carousel.

1 Answers

i was searching for something quite similar the last few days. my favorites so far

Royal Slider


this one got everything. touch support, highly customizable, responsive layout..you should be running in no time. price tag would be 12$.


also quite powerful, touch is supported, but not as carefree and elegant as the royal slider does, but then again, its free..they have a really nice showcase page with various carousels based on their plugin..

this one might be of some interest.. http://coolcarousels.frebsite.nl/c/2/

like image 182
iococoi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
