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ReCharts: Donut Chart w/two labels in center

I have a donut chart in which i need to add two stacked labels in center which I have done. What i can't figure out is how to add a little vertical space between. ReCharts renders both these lines as SVG The chart is in a responsive container so no hard coded values. I know how to get a single label in center but can't figure out how to get two separate ones there without writing a render method for the entire chart. Suggestions?

            <PieChart >
                payload={ getCustomLegendValues(tasks) } />
                  tasks.map((entry, index) => <Cell fill={ entry.color }/>)
                <Label width={30} position="center">
                  { `${totalTasks} ${tasksNameLabel}` }

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 422
johnsontroye Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 21:08


People also ask

What are the characteristics of donut chart?

Data that is arranged in columns or rows only on a worksheet can be plotted in a doughnut chart. Just like a pie chart, a doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole, but a doughnut chart can contain more than one data series. Each data series that you plot in a doughnut chart adds a ring to the chart.

What is the best use for donut chart?

When should you use a donut chart? Like pie charts, donut charts can be used to display different data points that total 100%. These are also best used to compare a handful of categories at-a-glance and how they relate to the whole.

2 Answers

This is an old question, but I recently played with this and looks like you can use multiple Label components and tweak their positions with css. Here is what I tweaked from the Recharts example:

const {PieChart, Pie, Legend, Tooltip, Cell, Label} = Recharts;
const COLORS = ['#0088FE', '#00C49F', '#FFBB28', '#FF8042'];

const data01 = [{name: 'Group A', value: 5}, {name: 'Group B', value: 4},
                 {name: 'Group C', value: 1}, {name: 'Group D', value: 1}]

const TwoSimplePieChart = React.createClass({
   render () {
   return (
       <PieChart width={800} height={400}>
       value="6" position="centerBottom"  className='label-top' fontSize='27px'
       value="tasks left" position="centerTop" className='label'
           data01.map((entry, index) => <Cell fill={COLORS[index % COLORS.length]}/>)

 <TwoSimplePieChart />,

and CSS:

.label-top {
    transform: translateY(-10px);

You can check the JSFiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/trung2012/pcbq3146/34/

like image 52
Trung Pham Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Trung Pham

You should use the content property of the Label component in order to create your own custom Label because both the children and the value property only accept string or numbers. With the content property you can pass a component as such:

<Label width={30} position="center"
  content={<CustomLabel value1={totalTasks} value2={tasksNameLabel}/>}>

and the CustomLabel component:

function CustomLabel({viewBox, value1, value2}){
  const {cx, cy} = viewBox;
  return (
   <text x={cx} y={cy} fill="#3d405c" className="recharts-text recharts-label" textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="central">
      <tspan alignmentBaseline="middle" fontSize="26">{value1}</tspan>
      <tspan fontSize="14">{value2}</tspan>
like image 22
sstauross Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
