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Receiving Domain Emails using Amazon AWS SES

I am using AWS SES for sending emails using my domain name. The sending works fine. But now I want to receive all the emails sent using my domain like [email protected] in SES.

I am trying to receive emails using rule set defined to execute Lambda function or to store emails in S3 bucket.

When I try to send email using gmail to my domain email, it is not received in S3 bucket and Lambda function is also not executed.

I have done following things so far:

  1. Verified my domain with SES, (CNAME, TXT entries on my DNS provider i.e. GoDaddy)

    Added MX record for my domain in DNS settings

    Defined rule set for receiving emails for [email protected] & store emails in S3 bucket.

Right now when I send email to this address I don't get anything in S3 bucket. I don't even receive delivery failure notification (This means MX record is working fine with my domain provider)

Please help.

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Rahul Bhooteshwar Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 06:09

Rahul Bhooteshwar

People also ask

Is Amazon SES an email server?

Amazon SES sends email using SMTP, which is the most common email protocol on the internet. You can send email through Amazon SES by using a variety of SMTP-enabled programming languages and software to connect to the Amazon SES SMTP interface.

Can I use Amazon SES for email marketing?

Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) is a service that allows you to send and receive emails using your email addresses and domains. Amazon SES is an extremely cost-effective alternative and is thus quite popular. Various email marketing platform has integrated with Amazon SES to offer a solution at the low cost.

How do I add a domain to my AWS SES?

Open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/ . In the left navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities. In the list of identities, choose the identity you want to configure where the Identity type is Domain and Status is Verified.

1 Answers

This question is over a year old, and I assume you've tried sending an email from a service other than gmail. It sounds as though your MX records may still be pointing to your GoDaddy instance, or at least one with a high enough priority. You can try running an MX query to verify this. Perhaps use an online lookup service, such as https://mxtoolbox.com to see if your MX Record(s) are published and where they are pointing, and priorities, etc.

In my experience, I've typically used Route53 to manage the DNS entries for SES-hosted applications as all necessary CNAME, TXT and MX records are set for you for domain name, SPF, DKIM and other verifications.

Ensure that the appropriate Rule Set is the "Active Rule Set" and that you do not have rule that acts as a "catch-all" with a higher priority.

Good luck!

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user4603841 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
