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Rebind knockout js when I need to redraw html with bindings

I have a situation where I build a div container dynamically that has other html elements inside bonded to my knockout view model. It works up to the point where I call a method on my knockout view model that needs to redraw the whole div. After the redraw knockout stops working.

for example:

 calendar += ('<div class="month-nav-container"><div class="nav-prev" data-bind="click:          $root.showPreviousMonthOnPrevMonthBtnClick" ><<<</div><span class="month-name-calendar">' + monthNames[month] + '</span><div class="nav-next" data-bind="click: $root.showNextMonthOnNextMonthBtnClick" >>>></div></div>');

I build my calendar control like so of course this is just part of it, but I hope you get the general Idea.

my knockout view model method:

self.showPreviousMonthOnPrevMonthBtnClick = function () {
    var $calendar = $("#calendar");

    ////// previous month
    if (self.calendarDisplayDate.month == 0) {
        $calendar.calendarWidget({ month: 12, year: self.calendarDisplayDate.year - 1 });
    } else {
        $calendar.calendarWidget({ month: self.calendarDisplayDate.month - 1, year: self.calendarDisplayDate.year});            


On my page load I build my calendar div, then I call ko.applyBindings() to my view model and it works. But when I click on the btn that calles my previous month method which needs to redraw calendar according to the right month, knockout stops working. I redraw the whole parent div that holds all the knockout bindings. Does anyone know solution to my problem. I need to redraw the div that has KO bindings inside so maybe what i'm looking for is some kind of bindings refresh method of Knockout ?

like image 803
Alan Budzinski Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 03:11

Alan Budzinski

1 Answers

found solution here:

How to clear/remove observable bindings in Knockout.js?

 var element = $('#elementId')[0]; 

and then

 ko.applyBindings(myVieModel, parentDiv)
like image 135
Alan Budzinski Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 10:12

Alan Budzinski