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Reasons for Prepared Statements with Bind Parameters over Interpolated Statements with Escaped / Quoted Parameters

To protect against SQL injection one is advised to use prepared statements with bind values. This ensures, that the database can distinguish between the actual logic in the SQL (which has to be parsed, interpreted and optimized) and the data (which doesn't need interpretation) and therefore will not interpret and execute commands which are found in data.

Another method accomplishing some protection is using an escaping library, which disarms significant chars in the data, so that they will not be interpreted.

It seems to me that in general it is advised to prefer prepared statements with bind parameters over escaping the input. Prepared statements with bind values do for example have some performance benefits in loops.

My question: is there any security reason to prefer prepared statements with bind values over escaping? And if yes, what are the exact reasons?

One reason I might think of is that "escaping is tricky" and the escaping library needs to match exactly the database features... anything else?

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Boris Däppen Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 07:01

Boris Däppen

2 Answers

One reason is that escaping only works to protect quoted string literals. For example (I'll use pseudocode since you didn't reference any particular programming language):

$escapedName = EscapeString("O'Reilly")

$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE name = '$escapedName'"

In the above example, the apostrophe should be escaped, so it will become WHERE name = 'O\'Reilly' and therefore be safe to interpolate into the SQL query without causing any error.

However, numbers don't need to be quoted in SQL, and escaping a string that contains an apostrophe won't do the right thing:

$escapedId = EscapeString("123'456")

$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = $escapedId"

This will result in WHERE id = 123\'456 which is still an error.

You might say, "well put the number in single-quotes" but this isn't always possible, for example the LIMIT clause in MySQL required real integers, not a quoted string containing digits.

Besides the above issue, it's just easier to write code using parameters instead of using escaping!

For example, you could write code like the following:

$sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6) 
  VALUES ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['col1']) . "', " 
  . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col2']) . "', '" 
  . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col3']) . "', '" 
  . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col4']) . ", '" 
  . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col5']) . "', '" 
  . $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['col6']) . "')";

Can you spot the mistakes? With enough time, I’m sure you can. But it will slow down your coding and may give you eyestrain as you look for missing quote characters and other mistakes.

But it’s so much easier to write this, and easier to read it afterwards:

$sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6) 
  VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

Query parameters are safe for more data types, and they help you write code more quickly, with fewer mistakes. That's a big win.

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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 20:01

Bill Karwin

The whole statement of question is coming for one ancient grave delusion

escaping which disarms significant chars in the data

Is, frankly, a nonsense.

  • There are no all-embracing "significant characters". A character that could have a devastating effect on one query part if cut loose, could be as harmless as a lamb in another. And vice versa.
  • There is no abstract all-embracing "data". All query parts are distinct, but escaping works for only one part.
  • And there is no such practice as "using escaping for protection" whatsoever.

Escaping is intended to escape special characters in SQL strings. And never has been intended for any protection. It's just a technological measure that has been awfully misunderstood and mistreated. It is like claiming that we are following a proper syntax in our programs solely for the protection. We are following the proper syntax to make the interpreter / compiler understand our code. Same here. Escaping is used to produce syntactically correct SQL strings. Which are of course injection-proof as a side effect. But again - the mission of escaping is anything but protection.

And here comes the the Escaping problem #1: strings are not the only data types to be used in the query. While using string escaping on the any other data literal is a straight road to disaster.

Moreover, even for strings, escaping is an essentially detachable measure, which alone constitutes a whole can of worms, making your code is prone to human errors of all sorts and constituting the Escaping problem #2:

Citing my article on the matter, Why should I use prepared statements if escaping is safe?:

As you can see, formatting a value for a database is effectively split into two parts, escaping variables and quoting values in the query. And this is where all the magic happens lies the cause for innumerable real life cases of SQL injections.

With your simplified example, where all the code is bound together, it is hard to overlook the proper routine. But in the real life the code is much more complex, consisting of large distinct modules. And escaping is done in one module while quoting in another. Or not. Nobody can tell actually. I'd just trust that this value has been escaped already. Or I will escape it just to be sure, and introduce extra escaping characters in the data. Or I am a new dev, who don't understand the example you posted here, and I was watching a youtube video that said escaping prevents SQL injection. I know the value has been escaped already, so I can put in the query safely. And as it is an integer, why would I waste quotes on it?

Or I know that the data has been escaped already when it was entering the application, so I won't have to escape it during some internal manipulations sometime later (when moving into another table for example). And have a first class second order SQL injection as a result.

Trust me, I've seen all these cases in the wild. Such a separated formatting introduces a total mess and a wast opportunity for injections.

Unlike escaping, prepared statements always make sure that a query part is treated properly.

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Your Common Sense Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 20:01

Your Common Sense