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Reason React and Graphql handling ENUM values

Just started to learn reason react and struggle with a graphql setup trying to read an ENUM value.


  • reason react
  • apollo graphql
  • graphql_ppx
  • github graphql endpoint

i am fetching the latest pull request data over the github api and reading the status property which is an enum and defined in the gql docs as:

  • OPEN

checking the network tab, i see the states are received as strings. within the application when I log the field i get a bunch of integers reflecting the values. can smb explain me, how i can "print" the data as string to my view and why they are translated to integers? is there somewhere a type generated which i could use for a variant switch?

let stateEnum = data->map(node => node##state);
Js.log(stateEnum) // possible values: 880069578, 982149804 or -1059826260
// somehow switch these values here?! :)
// current type of `stateEnum` is option('a)

thanks a lot in advance and have a nice day!

like image 481
roman Avatar asked Jul 11 '19 20:07


2 Answers

GraphQL Enums are represented as Reason polymorphic variants. Under the hood, in runtime, they are just integers. If you want to display them to the user you have two options: 1. Map them to string by hand using a switch

let status = 
  switch(node#status) {
    | `OPEN => “Open”
    // other cases
  1. You can use BuckleScript functionality do generate jsConverters:
[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type status = [ |`OPEN | `CLOSED /* other cases */]

this will generate two functions for you: statusToJs and statusFromJs. They help you convert variant to and from string.

Here is BuckleScript documentation about it: https://bucklescript.github.io/docs/en/generate-converters-accessors#convert-between-js-string-enum-and-bs-polymorphic-variant

like image 68
Tomasz Cichociński Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11

Tomasz Cichociński

As @Herku mentioned in his comment, the key was just to do this:

// asume that your enum is on a gqp property called `state`
// and we use the built in lib `Belt.Option` and the fn `getWithDefault`
// this way we are sure, that `stateEnum` is defined with one of the valid enum values
let stateEnum = data->map(node => node##state)->getWithDefault(`OPEN);

// next we switch the polymorphic variant
let state = switch(stateEnum) {
 | `OPEN => "open"
 | `CLOSED => "close"
 | `MERGED` => "merged"

// str = let str = ReasonReact.string;
like image 22
roman Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 00:11
