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Realm java query conditions




Assume the next situation:

//I don't put the getters and setters, but assume they are there
public class User extends RealmObject {
    private RealmList<Dog> dogs;

public class Dog extends RealmObject {
    //UPDATE: I've added the variable city, to make my question more exact
    private String city;
    private String color;
    private String name;

Assume: Person 1 has dogs: NY-white-Joe Person 2 has dogs: NY-brown-Mary, SF-white-Fluffy, LA-brown-Fluffy Person 3 has dogs: NY-brown-Fluffy, LA-white-Pepito

Question: How can I query all the persons that have a brown dog called Fluffy?

What I have tried using the implicit AND:

RealmQuery<User> userQuery = realm.where(User.class).equalTo("dogs.color", "brown").equalTo("dogs.name", "Fluffy");

Then I have read the documentation and the two equalTo() conditions are evaluated separately, that means that I will have:

All the users that have a brown dog AND a dog that is called Fluffy. (So the results are P2, P3).

How should I write this query to apply the conditions to the same dog?

like image 796
user1915767 Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 18:10


1 Answers

It seems to me the best approach is to use query by primary key. I mean first adding primary key to Dog class:

class Dog extends RealmObject {
       private int id;
       private String color;
       private String name;

Then first step to find users that have a brown dog called Fluffy, is to find primary key of such a dog. So we making a query to find exact Dog:

Dog dog = realm.where(Dog.class).equalTo("color", "brown").equalTo("name", "Fluffy").findFirst();

After that we are searching for users that have a dog with defined primary key (id field):

RealmResults<User> users = realm.where(User.class).equalTo("dogs.id", dog.getId()).findAll();
like image 119
greenfrvr Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 09:11
