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Realm Exception 'value' is not a valid managed object




I'm setting a property on a realm object with another realm object which is a different class, however I'm getting the error: 'value' is not avalid managed object.


The class instance receives anotherRealmObject constructor and returns it through the method with values from widgets:

public ClassInstance(AnotherRealmObject anotherRealmObject){
  mAnotherRealmObject = anotherRealmObject;

public AnotherRealmObject returnAnotherRealmObjectWithValues(){

       return mAnotherRealmObject;

I'm creating the new Another Realm Object the right way (I think):

mAnotherRealmObject = mRealmInstance.createObject(AnotherRealmObject.class);

Is it because I'm returning anotherRealmObject wherein it is already modified because of the passing reference?

like image 948
Kim Montano Avatar asked Feb 02 '16 03:02

Kim Montano

2 Answers

Upon researching there is a method on realm objects to check if it is valid:


There are two ways I know how to instantiate a realmObject:

RealmObject realmObj = new RealObject(); //Invalid
RealmObject realmObj = realmInstance().createObject(RealmClass.class); //Valid

I was using parceler to pass realmObjects around. Passing a realmObject through parceler and unwrapping it and assigning it to a realmObject variable would make it invalid:

RealmObject realmObj = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("realmObject"));

Solution 1 - Pass the unique identifer, then query the realm object:

int uniqueId = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("uniqueId"));

Solution 2 - Pass the values, retrieve it, create a realmObject through a realmInstance and assign the values.

//Retrieve values
String value1 = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("value1"));
String value2 = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("value2"));

//Create realmObject 'properly'
RealmObject realmObj = realmInstance().createObject(RealmClass.class);

//Assign retrieved values

This way you won't get an invalid realm object.

like image 100
Kim Montano Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Kim Montano

All managed RealmObjects and RealmResults belong to a specific Realm instance. After the corresponding Realm instance gets closed, the RealmObject becomes invalid.

Like below case:

Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(context);
MyObject obj = realm.createObject(MyObject.class);

realm = Realm.getInstance(context);
MyObject obj2 = realm.where(MyObject2.class).findFirst();
obj2.setObj1(obj); // Throws exception, because of the obj's Realm instance is closed. It is invalid now.

You may get some ideas about control the Realm's instance life cycle through this doc

like image 4
beeender Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
