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Realm accessed from incorrect thread - Swift 3

At the top of my UITableViewController is the following:

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "background")

When a task is deleted, the following executes:

self.queue.async {
    autoreleasepool {
        let realm = try! Realm()
        do {
            try realm.commitWrite()
        } catch let error {

And then I receive the error

terminating with uncaught exception of type realm::IncorrectThreadException: Realm accessed from incorrect thread.

How could I fix this?

like image 960
AppreciateIt Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 21:01


2 Answers

It seems like the write is happening on a different thread than the object was originally accessed from. You should be able to fix it by passing task's id and using that to fetch it from the database right before you do the write (inside the async block).

So at the top:

var taskId = 0  // Set this accordingly

and then something like

self.queue.async {
    autoreleasepool {
        let realm = try! Realm()
        let tempTask = // get task from Realm based on taskId
        do {
            try realm.commitWrite()
        } catch let error {
like image 101
Samantha Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 05:01


We need to understand the fact Realm Objects cannot be accessed from different threads. What does this means and how to workout this issue.

First, realm objects cannot be access from different thread means, one instance of Realm defined in one thread cannot be access from different thread. What we should do actually is we need to have different instance of realm instance for each thread.

For eg. let's look at following e.g. where we insert 50 records in database asynchronously in background thread upon button click and we add notification block in main thread to update the no of people in count label. Each thread (main and background ) have its own instance of realm object to access Realm Database. Because Realm Database achieves thread safety by making instances of Realm thread-confined.

class Person: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""
    convenience init(_ name: String) {
        self.name = name

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    let realmMain = try!  Realm ()
    self.people = realmMain.objects(Person.self)
    self.notification = self.people?.addNotificationBlock{ [weak self] changes in
        print("UI update needed")
        guard let countLabel = self?.countLabel else {
        countLabel.text = "Total People: \(String(describing: self?.people?.count))"

@IBAction func addHandler(_ sender: Any) {
    let backgroundQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.app.queue",
                                        qos: .background,
                                        target: nil)

    backgroundQueue.async {
        print("Dispatched to background queue")
        let realm = try! Realm()
        try! realm.write {
            for i in 1..<50 {
                let name = String(format: "rajan-%d", i)
                //print(#function, name)

like image 43
Rajan Twanabashu Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 05:01

Rajan Twanabashu