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reading xml file with vbscript

I am trying to write a vbscript to automate the configuration of a storage array. I'm having some difficulty figuring out how best to navigate the XML.

An example section of my XML:


So I want to iterate through each interface (there is 5 in reality) and set the appropriate IP and netmask on the correct interface.

I'm currently doing this:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 
objXMLDoc.async = False 

Set Root = objXMLDoc.documentElement 
Set NodeList = Root.getElementsByTagName("interface") 
port = 0
For Each Elem In NodeList 
WScript.Echo "Port " & port & " has IP address of " & Elem.text
port = port + 1

but there must be a cleaner way do doing this where I can select the interface section and read in the port, ipaddress & netmask, issue the command and then move into the next interface?


like image 358
knoxvillain Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 09:11


2 Answers

First approach:

For Each Elem In NodeList 
   SET port = Elem.getElementsByTagName("Port")(0)
   SET ip = Elem.getElementsByTagName("IPADDRESS")(0)
   WScript.Echo "Port " & port.nodeValue & " has IP address is " & ip.nodeValue
like image 73
dani herrera Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11

dani herrera

This works for me:

sub main
    Set nodeList = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("//interface")

    For Each node in nodeList
end sub

sub handleNode(node)
    Dim port, ipaddress, netmask, attribute

    For each elem in node.childNodes
        Select Case node.tagName
            Case "port"
                port = elem.text
            Case "ipaddress"
                ipaddress = elem.text
            Case "netmask"
                netmask = elem.text
            Case "tag with attributes"
                attribute = elem.getAttribute("attributeName")
        End Select

    WScript.Echo "Port " & port & " has IP address of " & ipaddress & " and useful attribute " & attribute

end sub
like image 21
WorkingMatt Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11
