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Reading specific column from CSV file in matlab




I am trying to read a CSV file in matlab. I just want to read the second column but the code below prints out everything on CSV file. What parameters or functions I have to introduce to make it read just the second column

FILENAME = 'C:\Users\Desktop\Results.csv';

fid = fopen(FILENAME, 'rt');
a = textscan(fid, '%s', 'HeaderLines',1,'Delimiter',',');
like image 758
Xara Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 05:07


1 Answers

There are several ways:

  1. Using cvsread:
    Assuming you have N rows in the file1:

    a = csvread( FILENAME, 0, 1, [0 1 N-1 1 ] );
  2. You might also consider xlsread

    a = xlsread( FILENAME, 'B:B' );  

    See specific example on the xlsread doc.

  3. Another option is dlmread

    a = dlmread( FILENAME, ',', [0 1 N-1 1] );

1 - A nice (and fast) way to count the number of lines in the file in Matlab can be found in this answer by Rody Oldenhuis.

like image 69
Shai Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 06:11
