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Reading line-by-line file in JavaScript on client side


Could you please help me with following issue.


Read file on client side (in browser via JS and HTML5 classes) line by line, without loading whole file to memory.


I'm working on web page which should parse files on client side. Currently, I'm reading file as it described in this article.


<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]" /> 


$("#files").on('change', function(evt){     // creating FileReader     var reader = new FileReader();      // assigning handler     reader.onloadend = function(evt) {               lines = evt.target.result.split(/\r?\n/);          lines.forEach(function (line) {             parseLine(...);         });      };      // getting File instance     var file = evt.target.files[0];      // start reading     reader.readAsText(file); } 

The problem is that FileReader reads whole file at once, which causes crashed tab for big files (size >= 300 MB). Using reader.onprogress doesn't solve a problem, as it just increments a result till it will hit the limit.

Inventing a wheel

I've done some research in internet and have found no simple way to do this (there are bunch of articles describing this exact functionality but on server side for node.js).

As only way to solve it I see only following:

  1. Split file by chunks (via File.split(startByte, endByte) method)
  2. Find last new line character in that chunk ('/n')
  3. Read that chunk except part after last new line character and convert it to the string and split by lines
  4. Read next chunk starting from last new line character found on step 2

But I'll better use something already existing to avoid entropy growth.

like image 763
Anton Avatar asked Jul 09 '14 07:07


People also ask

How do I read a file from the client side?

To read file contents on the client-side in JavaScript in various browsers, we add a file input and then read the select files from the input's value. to select the file input with getElementById . We get the first selected file with files[0] . Then we create a FileReader object.

Is JavaScript read line by line?

JavaScript is actually interpreted line by line.

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Use Plain JavaScript to Read a Local File Line by Line in JavaScript. We can create a simple JavaScript function to read the local file put in as the HTML Input. Copy document. getElementById('file').

How do you read a file in JavaScript?

To read a file, use FileReader , which enables you to read the content of a File object into memory. You can instruct FileReader to read a file as an array buffer, a data URL, or text. // Check if the file is an image.

1 Answers

Eventually I've created new line-by-line reader, which is totally different from previous one.

Features are:

  • Index-based access to File (sequential and random)
  • Optimized for repeat random reading (milestones with byte offset saved for lines already navigated in past), so after you've read all file once, accessing line 43422145 will be almost as fast as accessing line 12.
  • Searching in file: find next and find all.
  • Exact index, offset and length of matches, so you can easily highlight them

Check this jsFiddle for examples.


// Initialization var file; // HTML5 File object var navigator = new FileNavigator(file);  // Read some amount of lines (best performance for sequential file reading) navigator.readSomeLines(startingFromIndex, function (err, index, lines, eof, progress) { ... });  // Read exact amount of lines navigator.readLines(startingFromIndex, count, function (err, index, lines, eof, progress) { ... });  // Find first from index navigator.find(pattern, startingFromIndex, function (err, index, match) { ... });  // Find all matching lines navigator.findAll(new RegExp(pattern), indexToStartWith, limitOfMatches, function (err, index, limitHit, results) { ... }); 

Performance is same to previous solution. You can measure it invoking 'Read' in jsFiddle.

GitHub: https://github.com/anpur/client-line-navigator/wiki

like image 87
Anton Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
