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Reading input from file in Visual Studio 2008

Is there a way to simulate: yourprogram < inputFile.txt in Visual Studio 2008?

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Epsilon Vector Avatar asked May 09 '09 13:05

Epsilon Vector

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1 Answers

When you've developed your application (e.g. a ConsoleApplication) you would normally start this from the Command Line with

ConsoleApplication1.exe < inputfile.txt

The part of the command < inputfile.txt is the command line arguments to your application.

You can set these in your project properties

  • Right click the project file
  • Click properties
  • Click the Debug tab
  • In the Start Options section enter

    < Path/To/inputfile.txt

When you next launch your application with the debugger, it will execute your application with these Command line args

like image 84
Eoin Campbell Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Eoin Campbell