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Reading in CSV files smaller than 10K from S3 with Ruby 1.9.2 p290

The following code snippet works fine for CSV file sizes larger than 10 K.

lines = CSV.read(open(resource.csv(:original)))

This is reading the the CSV file stored in Amazon S3 using Paperclip gem.

If the file size is smaller than 10 K however, I get the following error:

ActionView::Template::Error (can't convert StringIO into String):

I googled and found the following post:


So I tried to use the fastercsv gem, when I ran my program again, here is the error that I get:

ActionView::Template::Error (Please switch to Ruby 1.9's standard CSV library. It's FasterCSV plus support for Ruby 1.9's m17n encoding engine.):

Looks like it is a Catch-22. How can I process files smaller than 10 K in ruby 1.9.2 p290?

Please advise.



like image 649
Bharat Avatar asked Oct 24 '22 18:10


1 Answers

I'm going to guess that CSV.read is being handed a StringIO when it wants a String. If so, then you should be able to stick a read call in and switch to CSV.parse to make everyone happy:

lines = CSV.parse(open(resource.csv(:original)).read)
like image 117
mu is too short Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10

mu is too short