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reading data from URL using spark databricks platform

trying to read data from url using spark on databricks community edition platform i tried to use spark.read.csv and using SparkFiles but still, i am missing some simple point

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomaspernet/data_csv_r/master/data/adult.csv"
from pyspark import SparkFiles
# sc.addFile(url)
# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
# df = sqlContext.read.csv(SparkFiles.get("adult.csv"), header=True, inferSchema= True) 

df = spark.read.csv(SparkFiles.get("adult.csv"), header=True, inferSchema= True)

got path related error:

Path does not exist: dbfs:/local_disk0/spark-9f23ed57-133e-41d5-91b2-12555d641961/userFiles-d252b3ba-499c-42c9-be48-96358357fb75/adult.csv;'

i also tried someother way

val content = scala.io.Source.fromURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomaspernet/data_csv_r/master/data/adult.csv").mkString

 # val list = content.split("\n").filter(_ != "")
   val rdd = sc.parallelize(content)
   val df = rdd.toDF

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  File "<command-332010883169993>", line 16
    val content = scala.io.Source.fromURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomaspernet/data_csv_r/master/data/adult.csv").mkString
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

data should be loaded directly to databricks folder or i should be able load directly from url using spark.read, any suggestions

like image 471
arya Avatar asked Jul 12 '19 21:07


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1 Answers

Try this.

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomaspernet/data_csv_r/master/data/adult.csv"
from pyspark import SparkFiles

**df = spark.read.csv("file://"+SparkFiles.get("adult.csv"), header=True, inferSchema= True)**

Just fetching few columns of your csv url.

>>> df.select("age","workclass","fnlwgt","education").show(10);
|age|       workclass|fnlwgt|education|
| 39|       State-gov| 77516|Bachelors|
| 50|Self-emp-not-inc| 83311|Bachelors|
| 38|         Private|215646|  HS-grad|
| 53|         Private|234721|     11th|
| 28|         Private|338409|Bachelors|
| 37|         Private|284582|  Masters|
| 49|         Private|160187|      9th|
| 52|Self-emp-not-inc|209642|  HS-grad|
| 31|         Private| 45781|  Masters|
| 42|         Private|159449|Bachelors|

SparkFiles get the absolute path of the file which is local to your driver or worker. That's the reason why it was not able to find it.

like image 110
vikrant rana Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

vikrant rana