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Reading and processing a large text file in Matlab





I'm trying to read a large text file (a few million lines) into Matlab. Initially I was using importdata(file_name), which seemed like a concise solution. However I need to use Matlab 7 (yeah I know its old) and it seems importdata isn't supported. As such I tried the following:

while ~feof(fid)    
    fline = fgetl(fid);
    fdata{1,lno} =  fline ;
    lno = lno + 1;

But this is really slow. I'm guessing its because its resizing the array on each iteration. Is there a better way of doing this. Bearing in mind the first 20 lines of the input data are string type data and the remainder of the data is 3 to 6 columns of hexadecimal values.

like image 654
trican Avatar asked Jan 19 '23 19:01


1 Answers

you will have to do some reshaping, but another option for you will be you could use fread. But as was mentioned this essentially locks you into a rectangular import. So another option would be to use textscan. As I mention in another note, I'm not 100% sure when it was implemented, all I know is you dont have "importdata()"

fid = fopen('textfile.txt')
Out  = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter',sprintf('\n'));

with the use of textscan, you will be able to get a cell array of characters for each line which you can then manipulate however you want. And as I say in my comments, this no longer matters whether the lines are the same length or not. NOW you can parse the cell array more quickly. But as gnovice mentions, and he also does have a very elegant solution, you may have to concern yourself with memory requirements.

The one thing you never want to use in matlab if you can avoid it, is looping structures. They are fast in C/C++ etc, but in matlab, they are the slowest way of getting where you are going.

EDIT: Just looked it up, and it looks like textscan WAS implemented literally in version 7 (R14) so if thats what you have, you should be good to use that.

like image 168
dynamphorous Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 15:01
