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Read in all csv files from a directory using Python


I hope this is not trivial but I am wondering the following:

If I have a specific folder with n csv files, how could I iteratively read all of them, one at a time, and perform some calculations on their values?

For a single file, for example, I do something like this and perform some calculations on the x array:

import csv import os  directoryPath=raw_input('Directory path for native csv file: ')  csvfile = numpy.genfromtxt(directoryPath, delimiter=",") x=csvfile[:,2] #Creates the array that will undergo a set of calculations 

I know that I can check how many csv files there are in a given folder (check here):

import glob for files in glob.glob("*.csv"):     print files  

But I failed to figure out how to possibly nest the numpy.genfromtxt() function in a for loop, so that I read in all the csv files of a directory that it is up to me to specify.


The folder I have only has jpg and csv files. The latter are named eventX.csv, where X ranges from 1 to 50. The for loop I am referring to should therefore consider the file names the way they are.