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read a text file to QStringList




I have a text file. I need to read it to a QStringList. there are no line seperators. I mean each line in the text file is in a new line. So is there anyway i can do this?

like image 578
defiant Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 12:02


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2 Answers

I assume that every line should be a separate string in the list. Use QTextStream::readLine() in a cycle and on each step append the returned value to the QStringList. Like this:

QStringList stringList;
QFile textFile;
//... (open the file for reading, etc.)
QTextStream textStream(&textFile);
while (true)
    QString line = textStream.readLine();
    if (line.isNull())
like image 142
Daggerstab Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10


    QFile TextFile;
    //Open file for reading
    QStringList SL;

like image 31
Alex Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
