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Read a file/URL line-by-line in Swift

I am trying to read a file given in an NSURL and load it into an array, with items separated by a newline character \n.

Here is the way I've done it so far:

var possList: NSString? = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL(filePath.URL) as? NSString if var list = possList {     list = list.componentsSeparatedByString("\n") as NSString[]     return list } else {     //return empty list } 

I'm not very happy with this for a couple of reasons. One, I'm working with files that range from a few kilobytes to hundreds of MB in size. As you can imagine, working with strings this large is slow and unwieldy. Secondly, this freezes up the UI when it's executing--again, not good.

I've looked into running this code in a separate thread, but I've been having trouble with that, and besides, it still doesn't solve the problem of dealing with huge strings.

What I'd like to do is something along the lines of the following pseudocode:

var aStreamReader = new StreamReader(from_file_or_url) while aStreamReader.hasNextLine == true {     currentline = aStreamReader.nextLine()     list.addItem(currentline) } 

How would I accomplish this in Swift?

A few notes about the files I'm reading from: All files consist of short (<255 chars) strings separated by either \n or \r\n. The length of the files range from ~100 lines to over 50 million lines. They may contain European characters, and/or characters with accents.

like image 257
Matt Avatar asked Jul 04 '14 23:07


People also ask

How do I read a text file in Swift?

To read a Text File in Swift, we can prepare the file url and then use String initializer init(contentsOf: url) that returns file content as a string.

What is readLine in Swift?

readLine() is used to read the input from the user. It has two forms: readLine() : The default way. readLine(strippingNewLine: Bool) : This is default set to true. Swift always assumes that the newline is not a part of the input.

1 Answers

(The code is for Swift 2.2/Xcode 7.3 now. Older versions can be found in the edit history if somebody needs it. An updated version for Swift 3 is provided at the end.)

The following Swift code is heavily inspired by the various answers to How to read data from NSFileHandle line by line?. It reads from the file in chunks, and converts complete lines to strings.

The default line delimiter (\n), string encoding (UTF-8) and chunk size (4096) can be set with optional parameters.

class StreamReader  {      let encoding : UInt     let chunkSize : Int      var fileHandle : NSFileHandle!     let buffer : NSMutableData!     let delimData : NSData!     var atEof : Bool = false      init?(path: String, delimiter: String = "\n", encoding : UInt = NSUTF8StringEncoding, chunkSize : Int = 4096) {         self.chunkSize = chunkSize         self.encoding = encoding          if let fileHandle = NSFileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path),             delimData = delimiter.dataUsingEncoding(encoding),             buffer = NSMutableData(capacity: chunkSize)         {             self.fileHandle = fileHandle             self.delimData = delimData             self.buffer = buffer         } else {             self.fileHandle = nil             self.delimData = nil             self.buffer = nil             return nil         }     }      deinit {         self.close()     }      /// Return next line, or nil on EOF.     func nextLine() -> String? {         precondition(fileHandle != nil, "Attempt to read from closed file")          if atEof {             return nil         }          // Read data chunks from file until a line delimiter is found:         var range = buffer.rangeOfData(delimData, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, buffer.length))         while range.location == NSNotFound {             let tmpData = fileHandle.readDataOfLength(chunkSize)             if tmpData.length == 0 {                 // EOF or read error.                 atEof = true                 if buffer.length > 0 {                     // Buffer contains last line in file (not terminated by delimiter).                     let line = NSString(data: buffer, encoding: encoding)                      buffer.length = 0                     return line as String?                 }                 // No more lines.                 return nil             }             buffer.appendData(tmpData)             range = buffer.rangeOfData(delimData, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, buffer.length))         }          // Convert complete line (excluding the delimiter) to a string:         let line = NSString(data: buffer.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(0, range.location)),             encoding: encoding)         // Remove line (and the delimiter) from the buffer:         buffer.replaceBytesInRange(NSMakeRange(0, range.location + range.length), withBytes: nil, length: 0)          return line as String?     }      /// Start reading from the beginning of file.     func rewind() -> Void {         fileHandle.seekToFileOffset(0)         buffer.length = 0         atEof = false     }      /// Close the underlying file. No reading must be done after calling this method.     func close() -> Void {         fileHandle?.closeFile()         fileHandle = nil     } } 


if let aStreamReader = StreamReader(path: "/path/to/file") {     defer {         aStreamReader.close()     }     while let line = aStreamReader.nextLine() {         print(line)     } } 

You can even use the reader with a for-in loop

for line in aStreamReader {     print(line) } 

by implementing the SequenceType protocol (compare http://robots.thoughtbot.com/swift-sequences):

extension StreamReader : SequenceType {     func generate() -> AnyGenerator<String> {         return AnyGenerator {             return self.nextLine()         }     } } 

Update for Swift 3/Xcode 8 beta 6: Also "modernized" to use guard and the new Data value type:

class StreamReader  {      let encoding : String.Encoding     let chunkSize : Int     var fileHandle : FileHandle!     let delimData : Data     var buffer : Data     var atEof : Bool      init?(path: String, delimiter: String = "\n", encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8,           chunkSize: Int = 4096) {          guard let fileHandle = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path),             let delimData = delimiter.data(using: encoding) else {                 return nil         }         self.encoding = encoding         self.chunkSize = chunkSize         self.fileHandle = fileHandle         self.delimData = delimData         self.buffer = Data(capacity: chunkSize)         self.atEof = false     }      deinit {         self.close()     }      /// Return next line, or nil on EOF.     func nextLine() -> String? {         precondition(fileHandle != nil, "Attempt to read from closed file")          // Read data chunks from file until a line delimiter is found:         while !atEof {             if let range = buffer.range(of: delimData) {                 // Convert complete line (excluding the delimiter) to a string:                 let line = String(data: buffer.subdata(in: 0..<range.lowerBound), encoding: encoding)                 // Remove line (and the delimiter) from the buffer:                 buffer.removeSubrange(0..<range.upperBound)                 return line             }             let tmpData = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: chunkSize)             if tmpData.count > 0 {                 buffer.append(tmpData)             } else {                 // EOF or read error.                 atEof = true                 if buffer.count > 0 {                     // Buffer contains last line in file (not terminated by delimiter).                     let line = String(data: buffer as Data, encoding: encoding)                     buffer.count = 0                     return line                 }             }         }         return nil     }      /// Start reading from the beginning of file.     func rewind() -> Void {         fileHandle.seek(toFileOffset: 0)         buffer.count = 0         atEof = false     }      /// Close the underlying file. No reading must be done after calling this method.     func close() -> Void {         fileHandle?.closeFile()         fileHandle = nil     } }  extension StreamReader : Sequence {     func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<String> {         return AnyIterator {             return self.nextLine()         }     } } 
like image 69
Martin R Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Martin R