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React's `memo` drops generics in the returned function

I would like to use React's memo for a function that has a generic argument. Unfortunately the generic argument defaults to the generic and all the fancy generic deduction logic is lost (TypeScript v3.5.2). In the example below WithMemo (using React.memo) fails with:

Property 'length' does not exist on type 'string | number'.
  Property 'length' does not exist on type 'number'.

while the WithoutMemo works just as expected.

interface TProps<T extends string | number> {
  arg: T;
  output: (o: T) => string;

const Test = <T extends string | number>(props: TProps<T>) => {
  const { arg, output } = props;
  return <div>{output(arg)} </div>;

const myArg = 'a string';
const WithoutMemo = <Test arg={myArg} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />;

const MemoTest = React.memo(Test);
const WithMemo = <MemoTest arg={myArg} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />;

I've looked at this question, but I don't think it relates to my problem.

Possible solution

I've found a possible solution using generic interfaces but it seems a little crude:

const myArgStr = 'a string';
const myArgNo: number = 2;
const WithoutMemo = (
    <Test arg={myArgStr} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />
    <Test arg={myArgNo} output={o => `${o * 2}`} />

interface MemoHelperFn {
  <T extends string | number>(arg: TProps<T>): JSX.Element;

const MemoTest: MemoHelperFn = React.memo(Test);
const WithMemo = (
    <MemoTest arg={myArgStr} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />
    <MemoTest arg={myArgNo} output={o => `${o * 2}`} />

// Below fail as expected
const FailsWithoutMemo = (
    <Test arg={myArgNo} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />
    <Test arg={myArgStr} output={o => `${o * 2}`} />

const FailsWithMemo = (
    <MemoTest arg={myArgNo} output={o => `${o}: ${o.length}`} />
    <MemoTest arg={myArgStr} output={o => `${o * 2}`} />

Is there a more elegant idea of how to fix this?

like image 826
Max Gordon Avatar asked Jul 04 '19 15:07

Max Gordon

Video Answer

1 Answers

From https://stackoverflow.com/a/60170425/1747471

    interface ISomeComponentWithGenericsProps<T> { value: T; } 

    function SomeComponentWithGenerics<T>(props: ISomeComponentWithGenericsProps<T>) {
      return <span>{props.value}</span>;

    export default React.memo(SomeComponentWithGenerics) as typeof SomeComponentWithGenerics;

like image 112
Rafael Fontes Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

Rafael Fontes