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ReactJS: When should setState be guarded by isMounted?



The documentation for the reactjs isMounted API mentions that:

You can use this method to guard asynchronous calls to setState() or forceUpdate().

My primary question is when should a call to setState() by guarded by a call to isMounted()?

In the Initial AJAX Tutorial http://facebook.github.io/react/tips/initial-ajax.html the setState used in the XHR callback uses the isMounted() guard, but is this required?

A secondary question is, if it is required why is it so? It seems the check itself is very simple and could be inlined into the setState() without any significant performance penalty, but with a large simplification in API usage.

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benno Avatar asked Nov 08 '14 19:11


1 Answers

Logically, isMounted is needed if the component could be unmounted when the callback is called.

The best practice is to avoid this in componentWillUnmount e.g. aborting an ajax request, canceling a timeout, or unsubscribing from an event.

Arguably the api is simpler this way because setState doesn't silently fail if it's called at an inappropriate time. Silently failing causes a lot of bugs that are difficult to track down.

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Brigand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
