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React.js - Passed function "not a function" Error

I am trying to pass props from a child component to a parent component, but for some reason I'm getting the error "TypeError: this.props.onClick is not a function" in the js console after clicking on the rendered child components.

Basically what I am trying to do is manage a list of categories in which one category subcomponent has the 'selected' prop as true, and updates correctly every time you click on a category li.

Here is a jsfiddle with the code: http://jsfiddle.net/kb3gN/8023/

I don't really feel like I've grasped the concepts of how to use React.js effectively yet, so any help is appreciated!

Best Regards and Thanks in advance,



var CategoryList = React.createClass({

    return {
            ["cat1", false],
            ["cat2", true]

//Function passed to child (changes items state)
    var tempItems = this.state.items;
    if(this.state.lastToggled[0] === child.props.name){
        var index = this.getInd(this.state.tempItems, child.props.name);
        tempItems[index][1] = !tempItems[index][1];

        this.setState({items: tempItems});
        var newIndex = this.getInd(this.state.tempItems, child.props.name);
        tempItems[newIndex][1] = !tempItems[newIndex][1];

        var oldIndex = this.getInd(this.state.tempItems, this.state.lastToggled[0]);
        tempItems[oldIndex][1] = false;

        this.setState({items: tempItems, lastToggled: tempItems[newIndex][0]});


//getInd not relevant to problem
getInd:function(arr, elname){
    for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if(arr[i][0] === elname){
            return i;
    return -1;

    return (<ul className="category-list">
                return <Category onClick={this.handleClick} name={item[0]} selected={item[1]} />;


var Category = React.createClass({

        return (<li onClick={this.propogateClick} className="selected">{this.props.name}</li>);
        return (<li onClick={this.propogateClick}>{this.props.name}</li>);

propogateClick: function(){


React.renderComponent(<CategoryList/>, document.getElementById('example'));
like image 561
bnunamak Avatar asked Nov 23 '14 12:11


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1 Answers

You can use bind to solve this problem

     return <Category onClick={this.handleClick} name={item[0]} selected={item[1]} />;
like image 185
kiran Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09
