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react-router+antD/ How to highlight a menu item when press back/forward button?


I create a menu and want to highlight the item which i choose,and i did it. But when i press back/forward button,the menu item don't highlight. What should i do?

I have tried to use addEventListener but failed.

Have someone could give some advice?

class Sidebar extends React.Component {     constructor(props) {         super(props);         this.state={             test: "home"         }         this.menuClickHandle = this.menuClickHandle.bind(this);     }      componentWillMount(){         hashHistory.listen((event)=>{             test1 = event.pathname.split("/");         });         this.setState({             test:test1[1]         });     }      menuClickHandle(item) {         this.props.clickItem(item.key);     }      onCollapseChange() {         this.props.toggle();     }      render() {         var {collapse} = this.props;         return (             <aside className="ant-layout-sider">                 <Menu mode="inline" theme="dark" defaultSelectedKeys={[this.state.test || "home"]} onClick={this.menuClickHandle.bind(this)}>                     <Menu.Item key="home">                         <Link to="/home">                             <Icon type="user"/><span className="nav-text">用户管理</span>                         </Link>                     </Menu.Item>                     <Menu.Item key="banner">                         <Link to="/banner">                             <Icon type="setting"/><span className="nav-text">Banner管理</span>                         </Link>                     </Menu.Item>                 </Menu>                 <div className="ant-aside-action" onClick={this.onCollapseChange.bind(this)}>                     {collapse ? <Icon type="right"/> : <Icon type="left"/>}                 </div>             </aside>         )     } } 
like image 383
Eve Avatar asked Dec 09 '16 06:12


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1 Answers

I could come up with a solution using WithRouter

import React,{ Component } from 'react'; import { NavLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Layout, Menu, Icon } from 'antd'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types';  const { Sider } = Layout;  class SideMenu extends Component{    static propTypes = {     location: PropTypes.object.isRequired   }    render() {     const { location } = this.props;     return (         <Sider           trigger={null}           collapsible           collapsed={this.props.collapsed}>            <div className="logo" />           <Menu             theme="dark"             mode="inline"             defaultSelectedKeys={['/']}             selectedKeys={[location.pathname]}>             <Menu.Item key="/">               <NavLink to="/">                 <Icon type="home" />                 <span>Home</span>               </NavLink>             </Menu.Item>             <Menu.Item key="/other">               <NavLink to="/other">                 <Icon type="mobile"/>                 <span>Applications</span>               </NavLink>             </Menu.Item>             <Menu.Item key="/notifications">               <NavLink to="/notifications">                 <Icon type="notification" />                 <span>Notifications</span>               </NavLink>             </Menu.Item>           </Menu>         </Sider>     )   } }  export default withRouter(SideMenu); 
like image 80
Nadun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
