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React router Switch behavior

(react-router-dom version: 4.1.1)

I have working routes set up, but I'm a bit confused about why the <Switch> was necessary:


import React from 'react'; import { HashRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';  import App from './components/App.jsx'; import FridgePage from './components/FridgePage.jsx';  ReactDOM.render(     <HashRouter>         <Switch>             <Route exact path="/" component={App} />             <Route path="/fridge" component={FridgePage} />         </Switch>     </HashRouter>,     document.getElementById('root') ) 


import Header from './Header.jsx'; import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';  export default class App extends React.Component {     render() {         console.log(this.props);         return (             <div>                 <h1>Herbnew</h1>                 <Link to="fridge">Fridge</Link>                 {this.props.children}             </div>         );     } } 


import React from 'react';  export default class FridgePage extends React.Component {     render() {         return (             <div>                 <h1>Fridge</h1>                 You finally found the fridge!             </div>         );     } } 

I used to have a div wrapping the routes instead of a Switch. In that case, I see the App rendered and try to click the Fridge link, but nothing happens (the FridgePage isn't rendered), and no error is output into the console.

As I understand it, the only thing the Switch does is exclusively render the first route it matches, and the common problem as a result of omitting it is rendering both pages at once. If my "/" route is exact, then even without the Switch, the Fridge should be the only route that matches, right? Why does it not render at all?

like image 484
Jess Avatar asked Jul 15 '17 21:07


People also ask

What does Switch does in react router?

The switch component looks through all of its child routes and it displays the first one whose path matches the current URL. This component is what we want to use in most cases for most applications, because we have multiple routes and multiple plate pages in our app but we only want to show one page at a time.

Is Switch available in react-router-dom?

Users will not be able to find Switch in react-router-dom . They need to install versions up to 5 or below 5. Try the below one, which will work. If the user uses routes instead of Switch, it may not work.

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React Router is a standard library for routing in React. It enables navigation between views from different components in a React application, allows the browser URL to be changed, and keeps the UI in sync with the URL.

Is react-router-dom deprecated?

This feature has been deprecated because the new structure of Routes is that they should act like components, so you should take advantage of component lifecycle methods instead.

1 Answers

<Switch> returns only one first matching route.

exact returns any number of routes that match exactly.

For example:

<Switch>   <Route exact path="/animals" component={Animals} />   <Route path="/animals/fish" component={Fish} />   <Route component={Missing} /> </Switch> <Route path="/animals" component={Order} /> 

If the Missing component was not inside a <Switch>, it would be returned on every single route.

With exact, the "/animals" route will not catch every route containing "/animals" such as "animals/fish".

Without exact, the "/animals/fish" route will also return the Fish component for "animals/fish/cod", "/animals/fish/salmon", etc.

Being outside the <Switch> statement and without exact, the Order component is rendered on every path containing "/animals".

Usually, if you're not using exact you would use a wildcard, so you don't return random pages.

like image 188
awc737 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
