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React Router: Show progress while loading

I want to show a progress bar when I switch one route from another, I found this package: nprogress, for youtube-like progress.

My problem is implementing this using React Router. I somehow need to execute NProgress.start(); on every start of routing, and NProgress.done(); when loaded.

Is there a better way (like a middleware between route changes or route listener for the router), other then going thorugh each route and doing start() on the onEnter, and done() on the component's DidMount()?

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Gershon Papi Avatar asked Jul 06 '16 22:07

Gershon Papi

1 Answers

You may simply start with NProgress.start() in onEnter handler and finish in getComponent or getComponents where you can asynchronously load your component, e.g. with Webpack’s require.ensure.

Something like this:

    onEnter={() => {
    getComponent={(nextState, cb) => {
      require.ensure([], (require) => {
        const Component = require('./path/to/Component').default;
        cb(null, Component);
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Bogdan Slovyagin Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Bogdan Slovyagin