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React Router 4.x - PrivateRoute not working after connecting to Redux

PrivateRoute available in Example https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/example/auth-workflow is not working after connecting with Redux.

My PrivateRoute look almost same to the original version but only connected to Redux and used it instead of fakeAuth in the original example.

const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, auth, ...rest }) => (
   render={props =>
    ? <Component {...props} />
    : <Redirect to={{ pathname: "/login" }} />}

 PrivateRoute.propTypes = {
  auth: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
  component: PropTypes.func.isRequired

 const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
  return {
     auth: state.auth

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(PrivateRoute);

Usage and result:-

  1. NOT working but desired & expecting to work
    • <PrivateRoute path="/member" component={MemberPage} />
  2. working but NOT desired to used like this
    • <PrivateRoute path="/member" component={MemberPage} auth={auth} />
  3. working. JUST to work but NOT desired to used at all. An understanding from this point is that, if you connect original PrivateRoute to Redux you need to pass some additional props (any prop) to make PrivateRoute working otherwise it does not work. Anyone, please give some hint on this behavior. This is my main question
    • <PrivateRoute path="/member" component={MemberPage} anyprop={{a:1}} />
like image 390
Premchandra Singh Avatar asked May 10 '17 12:05

Premchandra Singh

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1 Answers

Complementary to @Tharaka answer you can pass {pure: false} to connect method as described in react-redux troubleshooting section.

React-redux makes shallow comparison of props in shouldComponentUpdate hook to avoid unnecessary re-renders. If context props changed (react-router) it doesn’t check for that and it assumes nothing has changed.

{ pure:false } simply disables this shallow comparison.

like image 55
Tomasz Mularczyk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Tomasz Mularczyk