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React Native Sync Two Scrollviews



Is there a way in React Native to sync two or more scrollviews so they follow each other? I've seen some implementations for objective-c but have no idea how to implement that for react native.

like image 991
FreeJ Avatar asked Oct 20 '15 09:10


2 Answers

So far the cleanest and less problematic I found was this:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'

function Squares(props) {
    var squares = []
    for (var i = 0; i < props.numRows; i++) {
        squares.push(<View style={{ height: 50, backgroundColor: props.color1 }}><Text>{i}</Text></View>)
        squares.push(<View style={{ height: 50, backgroundColor: props.color2 }}><Text>{i}</Text></View>)
    return squares

export default class App extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.leftIsScrolling = false
        this.rigthIsScrolling = false
    render() {
        return (
                style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'flex-start', backgroundColor: 'yellow' }}>
                <View style={{ backgroundColor: '#bbb', flexDirection: 'row' }}>

                        ref={scrollView => { this._leftView = scrollView }}
                        onScroll={e => {
                            if (!this.leftIsScrolling) {
                                this.rigthIsScrolling = true
                                var scrollY = e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y
                                this._rightView.scrollTo({ y: scrollY })
                            this.leftIsScrolling = false
                        <Squares numRows={20} color1={"green"} color2={"darkgreen"} />

                        ref={scrollView => { this._rightView = scrollView }}
                        onScroll={e => {
                            if (!this.rigthIsScrolling) {
                                this.leftIsScrolling = true
                                var scrollY = e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y
                                this._leftView.scrollTo({ y: scrollY })
                            this.rigthIsScrolling = false
                        <Squares numRows={20} color1={"red"} color2={"darkred"} />


I have also tried something along the lines of this gist but it behaves strangely due to the listener in the scroll position is always affecting the two ScrollViews.

For this I was inspired by this answer on how to do it in javascript.

like image 163
rsilva4 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10


  1. Get the scroll position when one of them is scrolled based on this answer
  2. Set the scroll position on the other one with ScrollView.scrollTo
like image 2
Milan Gulyas Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Milan Gulyas