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React-Native scroll to top with Flatlist

I'm having a lot of trouble scrolling to the top of my Flatlist so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Essentially it fetches the first 5 items from firebase, then when onEndReached is called we append the next 5 items to the list:

data: [...this.state.data, ...results] 

For now I have a refresh button at the top of my view that does the following:

this.flatListRef.scrollToOffset({ animated: true, y: 0 }); 

If i click this when the first 5 items are rendered it scrolls to the top of the list as expected. The issue only occurs after the list has been appended to (I guess the items are off view?).

I have also tried 'ScrollToItem' however I'm guessing this doesn't work due to the following from React Native docs:

Note: Cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the getItemLayout prop.

Can anyone explain what is happening or know what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!

getItemLayout: (not entirely sure what this does or how to work out length & offset etc)

getItemLayout = (data, index) => ( { length: 50, offset: 50 * index, index } )  return (   <View>     <FlatList       ref={(ref) => { this.flatListRef = ref; }}       onScroll={this.handleScroll}       data={this.state.data}       keyExtractor={item => item.key}       ListFooterComponent={this.renderFooter()}       onRefresh={this.handleRefresh}       refreshing={this.state.newRefresh}       onEndReached={this.handleEndRefresh}       onEndReachedThreshold={0.05}       getItemLayout={this.getItemLayout}       renderItem={this.renderItem}     />     {this.state.refreshAvailable ? this.renderRefreshButton() : null}   </View> ); 
like image 314
Dereck Avatar asked May 20 '18 15:05


People also ask

How do I scrollTo the top of the page in React Native?

Use the window. scrollTo() method to scroll to the top of the page in React, e.g. window. scrollTo(0, 0) .

How do you scrollTo specific element in FlatList in React Native?

We would use Ref. scrollToIndex() inbuilt function of FlatList here. To use this function first we have to make a reference of our FlatList component then we can call this function.

How do you keep the scroll position using FlatList when navigating back in React Native?

In Flatlist set scrollsToTop={false} this will retain position when you navigate back from detail screen.

2 Answers

The correct syntax is

this.flatListRef.scrollToOffset({ animated: true, offset: 0 }); 

and you can also use


like image 142
Nati Sholman Oskar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Nati Sholman Oskar

Just in case someone is lost on how to do this with hooks, here is an example

function MyComponent() {     const flatListRef = React.useRef()      const toTop = () => {         // use current         flatListRef.current.scrollToOffset({ animated: true, offset: 0 })     }      return (             <FlatList             ref={flatListRef}             data={...}             ...         />     ) } 

The main difference is that you access it by .current

like image 34
Vencovsky Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
