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React Native & Redux: Why aren't child components re-rendering on every state update?

In React Native and Redux, I have a <NavigationCardStack/> as a root component. And every time state has been updated, the redux-logger updates correctly with the next/new state.

And after the state change, when newly updated state is console logged in a child component, it doesn't console log the updated state but rather console logs the initial state (in the child component childPage.js and logging: render(){ console.log(this.props.state) return(...) ...).

Could it be that I am hooked up to Redux incorrectly or missing something? Because, everything seem to work perfectly fine and makes sense.

Thank you in advance!

Here are some snippets of my code:

This is my reducer and the child component would just log the initialState here even though other properties have been added and updated:

const initialState = {
  meetUp: false,

function itemReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch(action.type) {

      return {
        quantity: action.quantity

    case ITEM_PRICE:
      return {
        price: action.price

    case ITEM_MEET_UP:
      return {
        meetUp: action.meetUp

       return state

export default itemReducer

And connected to the root component like so:

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    itemInfo: state.itemReducer,

export default connect(
    itemQuantity: (value) => itemQuantity(value),
    itemPrice: (value) => itemPrice(value),
    itemMeetUp: (value) => itemMeetUp(value),

With following actions:

export function itemMeetUp(value) {
  return {
    type: ITEM_MEET_UP,
    meetUp: value

export function itemQuantity(value) {
  return {
    type: ITEM_QUANTITY,
    quantity: value

export function itemPrice(value) {
  return {
    type: ITEM_PRICE,
    price: value

state={this.props} represent the state and how it is supposed to be passed down to child components

  _renderScene (props) {
    const { route } = props.scene

    return (
      <route.component _handleNavigate={this._handleNavigate.bind(this)} state={this.props}/>

like image 813
Jo Ko Avatar asked Sep 06 '16 17:09

Jo Ko

1 Answers

Could this issue be related? It seems similar in that NavigationCardStack won't update even though the redux state changes, and redux-logger logs the change. I can't tell from your code sample, but one way to test this might be to connect the children or one child directly to your redux store instead of having NavigationCardStack pass the store state in as props? That github issue above also has some hacky workarounds, but I'm not very familiar with react-native so I can't be much help there.

like image 109
Drew Schuster Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Drew Schuster