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react-native not rendering remote PDF in WebView with startInLoadingState={true}

I recently added <ActivityIndicator> in my code so as to display the loader while the external link loads in the <WebView>.

This works fine for a lot of different links, except those with PDF, for example: http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf

With this, it shows the loader initially but then renders blank page. In iOS, I do see the page number when I try to scroll down. It just doesnt display the PDF contents.

If I remove startInLoadingState={true} from the <WebView>, it works fine but the loader is not displayed.

I need to get this working with the loader displayed in both - iOS and Android.

Expo Snack demo: https://snack.expo.io/rk8o0TSSE


import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

export default class InAppBrowser extends React.Component {
  renderLoadingView() {
    const dimensions = Dimensions.get('window');
    const marginTop = dimensions.height/2 - 75;

    return (
        animating = {true}
        color = '#0076BE'
        size = 'large'

  render() {
    const uri = 'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf';

    return (

What am I missing here?

like image 895
Rahul Desai Avatar asked Feb 16 '19 18:02

Rahul Desai

People also ask

Can we open PDF in WebView in react native?

To add a PDF viewer in React Native, we can add a WebView and use Google Drive's PDF viewer. to add a WebView with the source set to an object with the uri set to the Google Drive PDF viewer URL. As a result, we should see the PDF viewer rendered in the WebView.

How can I display a PDF document into a WebView?

The very first and the easiest way of displaying the PDF file is to display it in the WebView. All you need to do is just put WebView in your layout and load the desired URL by using the webView. loadUrl() function. Now, run the application on your mobile phone and the PDF will be displayed on the screen.

Does react native use WebViews?

React Native uses a JavaScript runtime, but the UI is not HTML and it doesn't use a WebView. You use JSX and React Native specific components to define the UI. It provides a native-level performance and look and feel but some UI parts have to be configured separately for iOS and Android.

1 Answers

For now, I am going with the following workaround:

I am embedding the remote PDF URL into Google Drive viewer URL. This works fine in iOS and Android and renders the ActivityIndicator as well.

Demo snack with fix: https://snack.expo.io/H1XnDz9rN

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

export default class InAppBrowser extends React.Component {
  renderLoadingView() {
    const dimensions = Dimensions.get('window');
    const marginTop = dimensions.height/2 - 75;

    return (
        animating = {true}
        color = '#0076BE'
        size = 'large'

  render() {
    let uri = 'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf';

    if (/\.pdf$/.test(uri)) {
      uri = `https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?embedded=true&url=${uri}`;

    return (

Source: https://github.com/rumax/react-native-PDFView/issues/40#issuecomment-410298445

P.S. I will change the accepted answer if a better answer comes around.

like image 183
Rahul Desai Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Rahul Desai