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React Native nested ScrollView locking up

I'm trying to nest ScrollViews in React Native; a horizontal scroll with nested vertical scrolls.

Here's an example:

var Test = React.createClass({     render: function() {         return (             <ScrollView                 style={{width:320, height:568}}                 horizontal={true}                 pagingEnabled={true}>                  {times(3, (i) => {                     return (                         <View style={{width:320, height:568}}>                              <ScrollView>                                 {times(20, (j) => {                                     return (                                         <View style={{width:320, height:100, backgroundColor:randomColor()}}/>                                     );                                 })}                             </ScrollView>                          </View>                     );                 })}              </ScrollView>         );     }, });  AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyApp', () => Test); 

The outer scroller works flawlessly, but the inner one sticks when you touch it while it's moving. What I mean is: if you scroll, lift your finger and touch it again while it's still moving with momentum, it stops and doesn't react at all to touch moves. To scroll more you have to lift your finger and touch again.

This is so reproducible it feels like something to do with the Gesture Responder.

Has anyone seen this issue?

How would I even begin to debug this? Is there a way to see what's responding to touches, granting and releasing, and when?



It looks like it is the responder system, by putting onResponderMove listeners on the inner and outer scrollers:

<ScrollView      onResponderMove={()=>{console.log('outer responding');}}     ...      <ScrollView         onResponderMove={()=>{console.log('inner responding');}}>         ... 

It's clear that the outer ScrollView is grabbing control. The question, I guess, is how do I stop the outer scroller from taking control when trying to scroll vertically? And why is this only happening when you try to scroll an already moving inner ScrollView?

like image 653
nicholas Avatar asked Apr 20 '15 19:04


People also ask

How do you handle nested ScrollView in React Native?

To fix nested ScrollView locking up with React Native, we can set the nestedScrollEnabled prop to true . to add 2 ScrollView s in another ScrollView . And we set the height of each so they all show on the screen. We set nestedScrollEnabled to true so we can scroll the nested ScrollView s.

Can we use ScrollView inside ScrollView in React Native?

React Native's ScrollView component is a generic container that can contain multiple elements — Views, Texts, Pressables, and even another ScrollView.

Can we use FlatList inside ScrollView React Native?

When developing with React Native and nesting FlatList or SectionList component inside a plain ScrollView, your debugger might display the following warning: VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation - use another VirtualizedList-backed container instead.

What is nested scroll view?

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView , but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

2 Answers

If you are working with RN > 56.0, just add this prop to your scroll views:

<ScrollView nestedScrollEnabled = {true}>  ......   <ScrollView nestedScrollEnabled = {true}>     .....   </ScrollView> </ScrollView> 

That's the only one worked for me.

like image 68
Adam Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10


In your panresponder for the inner one, try setting this:

onPanResponderTerminationRequest: () => false 
like image 30
Josh Baker Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Josh Baker