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react-native Navigator.NavigationBar - where are the docs?



I've seen a few examples online using Navigator.NavigationBar. It looks handy but I don't know how to use it. Are there docs anywhere?

like image 339
Jake Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 20:11


1 Answers

Officially there is no guide Navigator.Navigation Bar. But looking on the internet you can find examples of how it works. Below is an example that I used for one of my projects.

var PageOne = require('./pageone'),
    PageTwo = require('./pagetwo');

var NavigationBarRouteMapper = { 
  LeftButton: function( route, navigator, index, navState ){
      <Text>{ route.leftButton }</Text>
  Title: function( route, navigator, index, navState ){
      <Text>{ route.title }</Text>
  RightButton: function( route, navigator, index, navState ){
      <Text>{ route.rightButton }</Text>

var App = React.createClass({

  renderScene: function( route, nav ) {
    switch (route.id) {
      case 'PageOne':
        return <PageOne navigator={ nav } title={ "PageOne" } />
      case 'PageTwo':
        return <PageTwo navigator={ nav } leftButton={ "Back" } title={ "PageTwo" } />;

  render: function() {
    return (
        initialRoute={{ id: 'PageOne', title: 'PageOne' }}
        renderScene={ this.renderScene }
        configureScene={( route ) => {
          if ( route.sceneConfig ) {
            return route.sceneConfig;
          return Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight;
            routeMapper={ NavigationBarRouteMapper } 
like image 65
Leonardo Antongiovanni Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 01:10

Leonardo Antongiovanni