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React Native ListView row not re-rendering after state change



React Native ListView: Rows are not re-rendering after datasource state has changed.

Here is a simplified version of my code:

render(): {
  return <ListView

renderRow(item): {
  return <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.handlePress(item)}>

renderButton(prop1): {
  if (prop1 == true) {
    return <Text> Active </Text>
  } else {
    return <Text> Inactive </Text>

handlePress(item): {
  **Change the prop1 of *item* in an array (clone of dataSource), then**
    DS: this.state.DS.cloneWithRows(arrayFromAbove)

According to Facebook's example, ListView is supposed to rerender every time data source is changed. Is it because I'm only changing a property of an item in data source? It seems like renderRow function is not re-rendering, but render() function is from datasource change.

Thank you.

like image 797
skleest Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 02:11


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🧐 Re-renders reason: state changesWhen a component's state changes, it will re-render itself. Usually, it happens either in a callback or in useEffect hook.

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You can use React memo (or PureComponent if you use classes) on the components that you don't want to re-render (MainArea,Footer). This way when an update is forced by their parent they will first make a check if any of their props changed and if not (which is your case), re-render will be skipped.

1 Answers

react is smart enough to detect changes in dataSource and if the list should be re-rendered. If you want to update listView, create new objects instead of updating the properties of existing objects. The code would look something like this:

let newArray = this._rows.slice();
newArray[rowID] = {
  newPropState: true,
this._rows = newArray;

let newDataSource = this.ds.cloneWithRows(newArray);
  dataSource: newDataSource

You can read more about similar issue on Github

like image 53
Dariy Dzyndra Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10

Dariy Dzyndra