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React-Native: LayoutAnimation



I am using react-native's LayoutAnimation to implement a custom switch component.

enter image description here

I am animating the movement of the circle using LayoutAnimation like so:

componentWillUpdate() {
  let switchAnimation = {
    duration: 250,
     update: {
       type: LayoutAnimation.Types.linear,
       property: LayoutAnimation.Properties.opacity,

The switch is its own component. It recieves props to set the circle to be on the left or right using css (justifyContent flex-start or flex-end)

Problem is in my view when the switch changes value other components change as well: Namely when the switch is hit:

1) Switch changes

2) An icon changes

3) Some text changes

All of the above animate. I want to reduce the animation to affect the switch only

UPDATE: I have tried using the Animated API but it doesnt seem to support animating flex properties. Is there really no one out there that uses The Animated API extensively?

like image 893
Gilbert Nwaiwu Avatar asked Mar 22 '17 12:03

Gilbert Nwaiwu

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1 Answers

LayoutAnimation does a lot under the hood. Unless you are willing to go through the source you can set and vary a margin value in order to move the circle in the container. You can make all the calculations within the component and expose some styles as props.

like image 74
Ayodeji Agboola Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Ayodeji Agboola