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React Native internal error

I have been trying to make a simple test app using react native but I am getting this


Sometimes the app runs without any error but again after sometime this error pops up so cam someone please help me. Thank You!!

This is my console output:


And this is what I am getting in android studio logcat:

12-04 18:19:42.856 4147-4163/com.album E/unknown:ReactNative: Unable to download JS bundle
                                                          com.facebook.react.common.DebugServerException: The development server returned response error code: 500


                                                          {"type":"InternalError","errors":[],"message":"Metro Bundler has encountered an internal error, please check your terminal error output for more details"}
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader.processBundleResult(BundleDownloader.java:225)
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader.access$100(BundleDownloader.java:40)
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader$1.onResponse(BundleDownloader.java:192)
                                                              at okhttp3.RealCall$AsyncCall.execute(RealCall.java:135)
                                                              at okhttp3.internal.NamedRunnable.run(NamedRunnable.java:32)
                                                              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
                                                              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
                                                              at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
12-04 18:19:42.899 4147-4164/com.album E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb407eec0
12-04 18:19:42.902 4147-4147/com.album E/unknown:ReactNative: Exception in native call
                                                          com.facebook.react.common.DebugServerException: The development server returned response error code: 500


                                                          {"type":"InternalError","errors":[],"message":"Metro Bundler has encountered an internal error, please check your terminal error output for more details"}
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader.processBundleResult(BundleDownloader.java:225)
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader.access$100(BundleDownloader.java:40)
                                                              at com.facebook.react.devsupport.BundleDownloader$1.onResponse(BundleDownloader.java:192)
                                                              at okhttp3.RealCall$AsyncCall.execute(RealCall.java:135)
                                                              at okhttp3.internal.NamedRunnable.run(NamedRunnable.java:32)
                                                              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
                                                              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
                                                              at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
like image 540
Satyam Rai Avatar asked Dec 04 '17 13:12

Satyam Rai

People also ask

What is react-native localize?

Localization is locating a character or restricting it to a particular place. In the case of application development, it is about developing the application according to the local language. For Localization, we will use the LocalizedStrings component of the react-native-localization library.

4 Answers

I restarted my laptop and it worked for me.

I am not saying this is the correct solution but it worked for me.

like image 106
Satyam Rai Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11

Satyam Rai

Sometimes this error can occur because the application cache needs to be cleaned.

You could try to get into the Android folder in the react-native project directory and run this command:gradlew clean then go back to react-native root folder and try to run android emulator react-native run-android. Also you could try react-native start --reset-cache.

like image 42
Pedro Soares Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11

Pedro Soares

Just try this line of code in your terminal

  1. sudo lsof -i :8081
  2. kill -9
like image 1
Rajesh Bhartia Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11

Rajesh Bhartia

Try this

1.sudo lsof -i :<Your port>
2.Run sudo kill -9 <PID>
3.Run application again
like image 1
Dino Sunny Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11

Dino Sunny