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React Native FlatList separator between columns


I have a FlatList with multiple columns:

    <FlatList       numColumns={4}       ItemSeparatorComponent={this.renderSeparator}       ...     </FlatList> 

And a line separator:

  renderSeparator = () => (     <View       style={{         backgroundColor: 'red',         height: 0.5,       }}     />   ); 

But the separator only appear between rows, not between columns (even if i add width: 0.5

View on expo

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Avery235 Avatar asked Aug 09 '17 00:08


People also ask

What is keyExtractor in FlatList?

It extracts the unique key name and its value and tells the FlatList component to track the items based on that value. For the above array of data, modify the FlatList component and use the keyExtractor prop to extract the key: <FlatList data={DATA_WITH_ID} renderItem={renderList} keyExtractor={item => item.

2 Answers

you can just add if else condition inside renderItems and check the index modulus to add separator.. I just use this one and everything works great.

something like :-

_renderItem = ({item,index}) => {     return(        <View style={[{ backgroundColor: 'red', flex: 1 }, index%2==0 ? { marginRight: 10 } : { marginLeft: 10 } ]}>           <Text>{item.key}</Text>        </View>     )  }

hope this will help you.

like image 148
Hazim Ali Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Hazim Ali

I am bit to the party but I ran into same problem and solved this problem by using this renderRow code. I have 2 columns in grid view. Please change column length by replacing X in index % X === 0 and index <= Y where Y is columns-1

renderRow({ item, index }) {     return (       <View style={[styles.GridViewContainer,                      index % 2 === 0 ? {                       borderLeftWidth: 1, borderLeftColor: 'black',                       borderRightWidth: 1, borderRightColor: 'black',}                        :                        {borderRightWidth: 1, borderRightColor: 'black'}                        ,{borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: 'black'}                       ,index <= 1 && {borderTopWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: 'black'}                     ]}       >        ... render item code ...         </View>     )   } 
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Shahzad Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
