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React Native Flatlist renderItem

Working with React Native, having some issues with the FlatList component. This is my FlatList

     renderItem={() => this.renderItem()}
        onRefresh={() => this.handleRefresh}

This is my renderItem function:

    renderItem({item, index}) {
     return (
      <View style={{marginTop: 10, marginHorizontal: 10, paddingLeft: 
                paddingBottom: 10,
                paddingTop: 10,
                display: 'flex',
                flexDirection: "row",
                justifyContent: "space-around",
                alignContent: "center"
            <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignContent: 
                 "center", width:"45%"}}>
                    // disabled={this.state.acceptButtonGray}
                      {this.state.acceptButtonGray ? ({
                      backgroundColor: 'gray',
                      width: "100%"
                      }) : ({backgroundColor: "#369ecd",
                         width: "100%"
                    onPress={() =>
                         modalVisible: true,
                         // acceptOrDeclineModalText: `Accept offer for ${item.amount} ${'\b'} Are you Sure?`,
                         acceptOffer: true,

this.setState in the onPress in the button should make a Modal visible, and set acceptOffer to true. Modal opens, user confirms their offer. The offer button which opened that modal now should be gray, and even better, disabled.

Passing my RenderItem function as shown above, I receive

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'item' of undefined.

Passing my RenderItem function like this:


I Get This Error:

    _this2.setState is not a function

The FlatList Component is certainly responsible for part of my issue, as well as how and where I am calling this.setState. Only one button is shown in my post, but there are two, one for accept, one for decline. Would having two modals change anything?

The FlatList displays my ListItem components with ease until I attempt to call this.setState in the buttons inside the View which contains those ListItems.

The Modal close button takes this.state.acceptOffer and if true, sets this.state.acceptButtonGray to true, should this logic be somewhere else?

Is there another way to open a modal and change the button color without using component state? Does react want these buttons inside of a TouchableOpacity?

I greatly appreciate any help given.

like image 984
falconsAndFunctions Avatar asked Dec 22 '17 01:12


People also ask

What is renderItem in FlatList?

renderItem ​ renderItem({ item, index, separators }); Takes an item from data and renders it into the list. Provides additional metadata like index if you need it, as well as a more generic separators.

What is renderItem?

renderItem is a function that requires returning the component that will display the data in the list. keyExtractor – This is a prop responsible for taking an individual item of our data as an argument and returning a value used as a key. The id will be used as a key.

How do you remove a item index from a FlatList in React Native?

Now let's understand it, First of all we would get the selected item Id on item click event, Now we would use Data. filter() method with selected ID and remove the selected id then update the Data again using State. This would remove selected item from FlatList in react native.

How do you show data in FlatList in React Native?

import React, {useEffect,useState} from 'react'; import {View,Text,StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; const List = () => { const[post,setPost] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const url = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=simpsons+characters&format=json'; fetch(url). then((res) => res.

2 Answers

you should write a renderItem function like this

renderItem = ({item, index}) => {
 // return here
like image 144
Shubham Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


1) You can write function as -

renderItem = ({item, index}) => { // return here }

2) or else if you want to execute your function then -

 renderItem={(item) => this.renderItem.bind(this, item)}
    onRefresh={() => this.handleRefresh}
like image 34
Samiksha Jagtap Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Samiksha Jagtap