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react native createbottomtabnavigator hide tab bar label

I need to know how to hide the bottom label.

I've tried the following:

tabBarShowLabels: 'hidden', tabbarlabelvisible: false.

I also removed the tabbarlabel: 'Home' and it still shows

Any help would be appreciated or if someone could point me to the right direction.

enter image description here

import {createBottomTabNavigator} from 'react-navigation'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'

const Tabs = createBottomTabNavigator ({
    screen: Home,
      tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-home" size={24}  />
  Inbox:{screen: Inbox,
      tabBarIcon: ({ tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-mail" size={24} />
  Search:{screen: Search,
      tabBarIcon: ({ tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-search" size={24} />
  Favorites:{screen: Favorites,
    tabBarIcon: ({ tintcolor }) => (
      <Icon name="ios-heart" size={24} />
  Settings:{screen: Settings,
      tabBarIcon: ({ tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-settings" size={24} />


export default class App extends Component {
  render() {

    return <Tabs />
like image 724
obumoon Avatar asked Sep 25 '18 22:09


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This property is commonly used to change the styles of the tab bar, for example, by applying the backgroundColor styles' property. To remove the border, add the tabBarOptions prop and inside it, add a style property called borderTopWidth with a value 0 .

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(React Nav ver6. x) add this code snipet "options={{headerShown: false}}" in "<Tab. Screen />". It will delete header of each tab you add into.

2 Answers

You have to define showLabel: false as the docs says, just as

const Tabs = createBottomTabNavigator ({
    screen: Home,
      tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-home" size={24}  />
  Settings:{screen: Settings,
      tabBarIcon: ({ tintcolor }) => (
        <Icon name="ios-settings" size={24} />

}, {
  tabBarOptions: { showLabel: false }
like image 72
Jose Vf Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Jose Vf

On the new versions of React Navigation, you just need to pass showLabel prop as false

<Tab.Navigator tabBarOptions={{ showLabel: false }}>
like image 28
Lincon Kusunoki Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09

Lincon Kusunoki