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React Material-UI Chip's onDelete inside Select is not working

I followed the Chips example here, in order to render chips as the renderValue of the Select:


However, when I added onDelete to the chip, in order to delete the chip in one click, I can see the close icon, but the delete event is not invoked (because the menu of Select shows).

        renderValue={selected => (
            <div className={classes.chips}>
            {selected.map(value => (
                <Chip key={value} label={find(FAKE_PRODUCTS, {id: value}).name}
                        onDelete={() => handleDeleteSearchProduct(value)} 
                        className={classes.chip} />
        MenuProps={{ PaperProps: {
            style: {
                maxHeight: 48 * 4.5 + 8,
                width: 250,

When I put the chip outside of the select, the delete event is invoked. What do you think I can do in order to prevent the behaviour of the menu opening on click?

Thank you very much!

like image 215
Omer Shlifka Avatar asked Dec 29 '19 19:12

Omer Shlifka

2 Answers

Select component intercepts mousedown event, so add

onMouseDown={(event) => {

to your Chip component.

like image 74
Piotr Stanisławski Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 04:11

Piotr Stanisławski

Yes it works, stop propagation in chip component

onMouseDown={(event) => {

for continue the focus in select can create a referency selectRef = React.createRef(); and call selectRef.current.focus(); its resets the focus to the component

like image 1
Ulises Iván Cruz Romero Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 06:11

Ulises Iván Cruz Romero