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React material-table is not displaying table icons

I have a project where I have to use a table. I am using material-table. But I can't seem to get it to look right. The icons that are needed for the table are not showing and instead I get some placeholder texts.

Here is the code I am using to show the table. I have material-table and material-icons installed in the project.

class RegistrationList extends Component {
  state = {
    registrations: [],

  infoButtonHandler(id) {}

  componentDidMount() {
    axios.get("http://localhost:3030/api/items").then((res) => {
      let registrations = [];
      res.data.forEach((registration) => {
        let childeren = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < registration.childeren.length; i++) {
          childeren += registration.childeren[i].name;
          if (i + 1 !== registration.childeren.length) {
            childeren += ", ";
          _id: registration._id,
          name: registration.name,
          childeren: childeren,
          street: registration.street,
          houseNumber: registration.houseNumber,
          city: registration.city,
          postalCode: registration.postalCode,
      this.setState({ registrations: registrations });

  rowClickedHandler(rowData) {
    this.props.history.push("/RegistrationDetail/" + rowData._id);

  render() {
    let table = (
          { title: "familienaam", field: "name" },
          { title: "kinderen", field: "childeren" },
          { title: "dorp", field: "city" },
          { title: "postcode", field: "postalCode" },
          { title: "straat", field: "street" },
          { title: "nr.", field: "houseNumber" },
          search: true,
        onRowClick={(event, rowData) => this.rowClickedHandler(rowData)}
    return <div>{table}</div>;

enter image description here

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Stephen Avatar asked Aug 29 '20 13:08


People also ask

How to add material icons in react app?

How to Add Material Icons in React Application? You can easily start using the material-table components, by installing the material-table and its material core UI packages: In addition to that, to use material icons, you need to install the Material Icons as well by installing the material icons package:

How to render a table with material-table in react?

To render a table with material-table, you have to supply the data (an array of objects) and the name of the columns to map with the data. The columns will specify which piece of data will go in which column. Let’s create a new file named BasicTable.jsx and add the following code: Nice!

How to add material icons in material-table?

Add material icons There are two ways to use icons in material-table either import the material icons font via html OR import material icons and use the material-table icons prop.

What is the difference between react table and Mui-DataTables?

According to the official website, React Table is a “table utility, not a table component.” You can use React Table to add sorting, filtering, grouping, pagination, etc., to any table component. MUI-Datatables is a lightweight version of material-table.

3 Answers

this approach is working for me

 import DeleteIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Delete';

        rowData => ({
          icon: DeleteIcon,
          tooltip: 'Delete User',
          onClick: (event, rowData) => confirm("You want to delete " + rowData.name),
          disabled: rowData.birthYear < 2000
like image 62
muhammad usman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

muhammad usman

It says right on the site what to do material-table

Add material icons There are two ways to use icons in material-table either import the material icons font via html OR import material icons and use the material-table icons prop.




Import Material icons Icons can be imported to be used in material-table offering more flexibility for customising the look and feel of material table over using a font library.

To install @material-ui/icons with npm:

npm install @material-ui/icons --save

To install @material-ui/icons with yarn:

yarn add @material-ui/icons

If your environment doesn't support tree-shaking, the recommended way to import the icons is the following:

import AddBox from "@material-ui/icons/AddBox";
import ArrowDownward from "@material-ui/icons/ArrowDownward";

If your environment support tree-shaking you can also import the icons this way:

import { AddBox, ArrowDownward } from "@material-ui/icons";

Note: Importing named exports in this way will result in the code for every icon being included in your project, so is not recommended unless you configure tree-shaking. It may also impact Hot Module Reload performance. Source: @material-ui/icons


import { forwardRef } from 'react';

import AddBox from '@material-ui/icons/AddBox';
import ArrowDownward from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowDownward';
import Check from '@material-ui/icons/Check';
import ChevronLeft from '@material-ui/icons/ChevronLeft';
import ChevronRight from '@material-ui/icons/ChevronRight';
import Clear from '@material-ui/icons/Clear';
import DeleteOutline from '@material-ui/icons/DeleteOutline';
import Edit from '@material-ui/icons/Edit';
import FilterList from '@material-ui/icons/FilterList';
import FirstPage from '@material-ui/icons/FirstPage';
import LastPage from '@material-ui/icons/LastPage';
import Remove from '@material-ui/icons/Remove';
import SaveAlt from '@material-ui/icons/SaveAlt';
import Search from '@material-ui/icons/Search';
import ViewColumn from '@material-ui/icons/ViewColumn';

const tableIcons = {
    Add: forwardRef((props, ref) => <AddBox {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Check: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Check {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Clear: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Clear {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Delete: forwardRef((props, ref) => <DeleteOutline {...props} ref={ref} />),
    DetailPanel: forwardRef((props, ref) => <ChevronRight {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Edit: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Edit {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Export: forwardRef((props, ref) => <SaveAlt {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Filter: forwardRef((props, ref) => <FilterList {...props} ref={ref} />),
    FirstPage: forwardRef((props, ref) => <FirstPage {...props} ref={ref} />),
    LastPage: forwardRef((props, ref) => <LastPage {...props} ref={ref} />),
    NextPage: forwardRef((props, ref) => <ChevronRight {...props} ref={ref} />),
    PreviousPage: forwardRef((props, ref) => <ChevronLeft {...props} ref={ref} />),
    ResetSearch: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Clear {...props} ref={ref} />),
    Search: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Search {...props} ref={ref} />),
    SortArrow: forwardRef((props, ref) => <ArrowDownward {...props} ref={ref} />),
    ThirdStateCheck: forwardRef((props, ref) => <Remove {...props} ref={ref} />),
    ViewColumn: forwardRef((props, ref) => <ViewColumn {...props} ref={ref} />)

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Jimi D Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Jimi D

Upgrade material UI to @material-ui/[email protected] by yarn add @material-ui/[email protected] and hopefully, it will work

like image 37
Hussnain Raza Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Hussnain Raza