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React-like refs in lit-html / lit-element?

Does lit-html have by any change something like React's ref feature? For example in the following pseudo-code inputRef would be a callback function or an object { current: ... } where lit-html could pass/set the HTMLElement instance of the input element when the input element is created/attached.

// that #ref pseudo-attribute is fictional
html`<div><input #ref={inputRef}/></div>`


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Natasha Avatar asked Nov 26 '19 02:11


3 Answers

In lit-element you can use @query property decorator. It's just syntactic sugar around this.renderRoot.querySelector().

import { LitElement, html, query } from 'lit-element';

class MyElement extends LitElement {

  render() {
    return html`
      <div id="first"></div>
      <div id="second"></div>
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lispmachine Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11


lit-html renders directly to the dom so you don't really need refs like you do in react, you can use querySelector to get a reference to the rendered input

Here's some sample code if you were only using lit-html


  <title>lit-html example</title>
  <script type="module">
    import { render, html } from 'https://cdn.pika.dev/lit-html/^1.1.2'; 
    const app = document.querySelector('.app'); 
    const inputTemplate = label => { 
      return html `<label>${label}<input value="rendered input content"></label>`;
    // rendering the template
    render(inputTemplate('Some Label'), app);
    // after the render we can access it normally

  <div class="app"></div>
    Other random input
    <input value="this is not the value">


If you're using LitElement you could access to the inner elements using this.shadowRoot.querySelector if you're using shadow dom or this.querySelector if you aren't

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Alan Dávalos Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 02:11

Alan Dávalos

As @WeiChing has mentioned somewhere above, since Lit version 2.0 you can use the newly added directive ref for that: https://lit.dev/docs/templates/directives/#ref

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Natasha Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11
