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react-google-maps marker animation

Is there a way to animate a marker on react-google-maps from another component outside the maps? My specific requirement is to be able to click on an item in a list that animates the marker on the map for two seconds. It would be good to not have to re-render the markers.

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Vijay Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 17:08


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1 Answers

animation prop should be a number from 1 or 2.

1 is equal to window.google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE.

2 is equal to window.google.maps.Animation.DROP.

so to create a marker with animation it should be as following:




And if you want to remove the BOUNCE animation use animation={null}.

You can start your app with marker state={ animation : 2 }(DROP animation) then change to state={ animation: 1 } using setState({ animation : 1 })(BOUNCE animation) and you can stop the BOUNCE animation using setState({ animation: null })

Check this Marker animation example on google maps docs

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Ahmed Mokhtar Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10

Ahmed Mokhtar