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React DnD - "Cannot have two HTML5 backends at the same time."

I am trying to make a POC with Rails5, action Cable, React and Rails and React DnD.

The purpose is to make an app like trello but for an recruitment process.

My front is in ReactJS.

I have 3 components, first, the container call "Candidates", this component call 2 "CardBoard" components that call "Card" component.

I user react DnD library for draggable card and droppable CardBoard. when i drop card on cardboard, i use a post call and a websocket(action cable from rails5) for update my state. I don't understand why i have this message after the post call :

Uncaught Error: Cannot have two HTML5 backends at the same time.
    at HTML5Backend.setup (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:4175), <anonymous>:87:15)
    at DragDropManager.handleRefCountChange (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:3566), <anonymous>:52:22)
    at Object.dispatch (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:4931), <anonymous>:186:19)
    at HandlerRegistry.addSource (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:3594), <anonymous>:104:18)
    at registerSource (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:4294), <anonymous>:9:27)
    at DragDropContainer.receiveType (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:1793), <anonymous>:146:32)
    at DragDropContainer.receiveProps (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:1793), <anonymous>:135:14)
    at new DragDropContainer (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:1793), <anonymous>:102:13)
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:4399), <anonymous>:295:18)
    at measureLifeCyclePerf (eval at <anonymous> (webpack-bundle.self-7b1a342….js?body=1:4399), <anonymous>:75:12)

Candidate.jsx =

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { DragDropContextProvider } from 'react-dnd';
import HTML5Backend from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';
import CardBoard from './CardBoard.jsx';

export default class Candidates extends React.Component {

  constructor(props, _railsContext) {

    this.state = {
      candidates: this.props.candidates

    this.filterByStatus = this.filterByStatus.bind(this)

  componentDidMount() {

  setupSubscription() {
    App.candidate = App.cable.subscriptions.create("CandidateChannel", {
      connected: () => {
        console.log("User connected !")

      received: (data) => {
        this.setState({ candidates: data.candidates })

  render() {
    return (
      <DragDropContextProvider backend={HTML5Backend}>
        <div className="recruitment">
            ["À Rencontrer", "Entretien"].map((status, index) => {
              return (
                <CardBoard candidates={(this.filterByStatus({status}))} status={status} key={index} />

CardBoard.jsx =

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import Card from './Card.jsx';
import { DropTarget } from 'react-dnd';
import ItemTypes from './ItemTypes';

const cardTarget = {
  drop(props: Props) {
    var status = ''

    if(props.status == "À Rencontrer") {
      status = 'to_book'
    } else {
      status = 'interview'

    return { status: status };

@DropTarget(ItemTypes.CARD, cardTarget, (connect, monitor) => ({
  connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
  isOver: monitor.isOver(),
  canDrop: monitor.canDrop(),

export default class CardBoard extends React.Component<Props> {

  constructor(props, _railsContext) {

  render() {
    const { canDrop, isOver, connectDropTarget } = this.props;
    const isActive = canDrop && isOver;

    return connectDropTarget(
      <div className={`${this.props.status} ui cards`}>
        <h2>{`${this.props.status} (${this.props.candidates.length})`}</h2>
          (this.props.candidates).map((candidate, index) => {
            return <Card candidate={candidate} key={index} />
        { isActive?
          'Release to drop' : 'drag a card here'


import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { DragSource } from 'react-dnd';
import ItemTypes from './ItemTypes';

const cardSource = {
  beginDrag(props) {
    return {
      candidate_id: props.candidate.id,

  endDrag(props, monitor) {
    const item = monitor.getItem();
    const dropResult = monitor.getDropResult();

    if (dropResult) {
      console.log(`You dropped ${item.candidate_id} vers ${dropResult.status} !`);

@DragSource(ItemTypes.CARD, cardSource, (connect, monitor) => ({
  connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(),
  isDragging: monitor.isDragging(),

export default class Card extends React.Component {

  constructor(props, _railsContext) {

  render() {
    const { isDragging, connectDragSource } = this.props;
    const { name } = this.props;
    const opacity = isDragging ? 0 : 1;

    var candidate = this.props.candidate;

    return (
        <div className="card" key={candidate.id} style={{opacity}}>
          <div className="content">
            <div className="header">{`${candidate.first_name} ${candidate.last_name}`}</div>
            <div className="description">
            <span className="right floated">
              <i className="heart outline like icon"></i>

for better comprehension, here a gif of my feature and his bug : feature with bug

here my github repo with all code

like image 987
Antoine Bernard Avatar asked Apr 20 '17 09:04

Antoine Bernard

2 Answers

Just try to make the context of HTML5Backend a singleton. You can check the codes at:



like image 169
lk_vc Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


I faced with similar issue and found workaround by moving


to the topmost react component.

Structure before:

        ComponentX with render(<DragDropContextProvider>...<DragDropContextProvider>)

Structure after:

  App with render(<DragDropContextProvider>...<DragDropContextProvider>)

Supposing App is loaded only once and HTML5 backend is not replicated.

like image 38
Ruslan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
