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React controlled checkbox (toggle) on props.



I need to make a checkbox (toggle, like IOS) component, that doesn't use state and controls only by props. The current code looks like this:

export class Checkbox extends React.Component {

handleChange(event) {
   this.props.onChange({value: event.target.value});

render() {
    return (
             <input class="ios_toggle" type="checkbox"

I use it like this:

<Checkbox value={true} disabled={false} />

And it almost works, but:

  1. It looks unchecked, even if props equal to value={true}
  2. By clicking on this toggle it changes, but it shouldn't. I mean, if I put the prop value={true}, in theory it'll be the same, no matter what I do with it in browser?

What did I miss?

like image 719
Samat Zhetibaev Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 15:08

Samat Zhetibaev

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*/ function Checkbox() { const handleChange = () => { console. log('The checkbox was toggled'); }; return ( <div> <input type="checkbox" onChange={handleChange}> </div> ); }; export {Checkbox}; What is this? The example above will log a message to the console when the checkbox is toggled.

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1 Answers

You need to use the checked property instead of the value. Try something like this instead:

export class Checkbox extends React.Component {

  handleChange = () => {
     this.props.onChange({ checked: !this.props.checked });

  render() {
      return (
               <input class="ios_toggle" type="checkbox"

The value property can be anything, but the property that it's actually driving the toggle is called checked

like image 84
Crysfel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
